Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1605: Thunder King shot

Withered Bone Mountains.

At this moment, there is nothing but ruins, no longer the majestic scene of the past.

Many Tianjiao couldn't help shaking slightly as they watched this scene.

Such magical powers, they have only seen the most distant clan elder in their clan, who can be called a living fossil!

However, each of these clan elders is a quasi emperor!

They finally knew why their guardians were so nervous when they met the Prince of the Beginning!

"How can this be good?"

All Tianjiao frowned and murmured to themselves.

No matter how strong Qin Yi is, he is their enemy, and also the enemy of Emperor Huntian!

What's more, they couldn't sit back and watch Qin Yi suppress their clan elders.

It's just that his strength is too weak, even if he wants to help the elders, there is no way he can even get close to him.


At this time, in the direction of Yibei City in the distance, a large army came.

The jet-black armor, the silent armorer, and the mighty blood, stepped through the void like a violent wave, setting off a tide of destruction!

Above the army, there was a giant black tiger roaring, exuding a shocking breath, suppressing the sun and the moon.

"Yingbei Army and Yibei City Lord, you are here just right!"

All Tianjiao looked back, and was overjoyed.

The Yibei Army, the most powerful legion in Yibei City, is also one of the 72 main battle armies of the Huntian Emperor.

Known as a million soldiers form a battle formation, can suppress the quasi-emperor strong!


The torrent of the North Wing Army stepped directly beside All Tianjiao and rushed towards Qin Yi and others.

The old monsters who were crushed under the ground also felt the breath, and were overjoyed, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Winged Northern Army here can overcome all dissatisfaction!

The seventy-two main battle armies of the Huntian Emperor dynasty all claimed to be able to suppress the quasi-emperor, but in fact, there were a few that had suppressed the quasi-emperor.

The Yibei Army is one of them, and has suppressed a quasi-emperor of the blood clan from other worlds.

No matter how strong Qin Yi was, he could only lose in the face of the Yibei City Army.

They didn't know that Qin Yi just glanced back at the Northern Army, then said lightly: "Lei King!"

The voice just fell.

A figure walked out silently beside Qin Yi.


In the next moment, bright fairy light soared from the figure.

There seems to be an ancient and boundless god, if a new moon rises, terrifying power instantly fills the world!

This god, with phoenix tusks and silver teeth, julan body, twin axillary wings, engraved with a thunder picture of yin and yang, shines on the sun!

And he holds the thunder hammer in his left hand and the thunder drum in his right hand!

King of the gods, ancient Thor!

Under the gaze of the ancient Lei Shen, the surging North Army's actions suddenly stagnated, and the invisible thunder manifested and formed a thunder net to restrain them.

"What is this, what magical power?"

City Lord Yibei exclaimed.

After realizing something was wrong, he quickly came with the North Wing Army.

As a result, as soon as they arrived, they were bound.

Moreover, this power imprisoned them, even their own mana could not be used.

"His Royal Highness, grant you the death penalty!"

King Lei stood on the void, coldly highlighting these words.


The Thunder King grasped the void, and a touch of thunder fell from the nine heavens and fell into his hands.

Soon, he was thrown out by the Thunder King!


There was a thunder and explosion, moving upward for nine days, and descending for nine quiet.

This thunder carries a domineering aura that destroys everything, bringing the breath of death to many soldiers of the North Wing Army!



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