Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1607: Yo, Emperor Huntian is here


With a crisp sound, clouds flowed in the sky.

The magnificent spiritual energy gathered, swallowing the sun, moon and galaxy, bursting out infinite rays of light, as if it could be comparable to the vast sun in the sky.

In other words, this is a stronger existence than Haori!

A terrifying aura that makes people feel cold, echoing in the world!


The sky suddenly split, and a monster shadow that was so terrible to imagine was looming in it.

The tens of millions of miles of the sky seemed to be unable to withstand its mighty force, a little cracking, bursting with a harsh sound like fried beans!

At this moment, countless creatures everywhere in Huntian Great World all raised their heads, and immediately bowed to the ground, like a god.

The masters in major cities also felt this breath.

"This is... the breath of the emperor father, who has alarmed his old man?"

In the Huntian Emperor's Capital, a handsome man with bright eyes and a seat of white clothes surpassing the snow, looked in the direction of Yibei City with doubts in his eyes.

Immediately, he glanced at the depths of the imperial capital.

This breath is clearly the father and the emperor who has not appeared for thousands of years!

According to what his father said, he chose to retreat in search of a new life and did not allow anyone to disturb him, not even him.

At this moment, the father appeared, has he succeeded?

The handsome man's eyes lit up, silently speculating.

If his father can live his life again, this is undoubtedly good news for this shaky imperial dynasty!

Even if he has been coveting that emperor, it is the same.

in this world.

The strong enjoy everything, the weak are useless!

The reason why the Emperor Huntian has stood for thousands of years is because the existence of the Emperor Huntian has supported this ancient emperor.

If the Great Emperor Huntian falls, this huge Emperor Huntian dynasty does not need other forces to attack, it will automatically collapse!

On the contrary, if the Emperor Huntian lives again for the first time, the Emperor Huntian will no longer be so worried, enough to last for tens of thousands of years!


"His Majesty!"

"The Great!"

In the Withered Bone Mountain Range, a cry of surprise sounded one after another, and all the arrogances immediately knelt to the ground, as if their saviors were coming.

Emperor Huntian!

The ruler of the Huntian Emperor, a supreme emperor!

A existence standing on the eastern frontier, far stronger than Emperor Xuanye!

At this moment, Qin Yi was also alarmed and appeared here.

With the great emperor here, no matter how bold Qin Yi has the courage, it is impossible to embarrass the elders in their family.

"The Great!"

Under the glazed sacred tree, those old monsters also heard the surprise voice.

After the surprise, I was completely ashamed. The seven old monsters who have practiced for tens of millions of years, and even a ‘young man’, who has practiced for more than 10 million years, gave him a crush!

Even, it was really embarrassing to cause the Great Emperor to appear!


In the void, the huge demon shadow slightly leaned out.

A wing covered with chaos-colored scales stretched out from the crack, and faint **** patterns flowed on the wings, like pieces of cyan **** gold forging.

As soon as it appeared, the boundaries of space had been blurred, and the slight tremor was like the sky and the earth, and the world fell!

it's dark!

Wings like clouds, dark clouds cover the top!


The cracks in the void became bigger and bigger, until the eyes of the huge monster shadow appeared from behind the space.

The eyes are like a bright moon, hanging high in the sky, without any emotion in the eyes, coldly overlooking the red dust of sentient beings.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow, emotional fluctuation, no emotional ups and downs, only the cold deep into the bone marrow!

Emperor Huntian, Emperor Huntian!

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