Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1609: Interrogation of Emperor Huntian


The eyes of the Great Emperor Huntian glanced at the glazed sacred tree, the glazed sacred tree trembled, and the blue light was indeterminate.

Immediately, it collapsed instantly, turned into a gleam, and disappeared.

Qin Yi's methods may be able to suppress the Qingmu ancestors and others, but there is no way to resist the Emperor Huntian.

"Thank you, the emperor, for your help!"

The ancestor Aoki and others broke through the ground and saluted very respectfully.

They are the foundations of all races and their status is lofty, but in front of the Emperor Huntian, they are a courtier!

And because they are ancient sages at the peak, they didn't kneel down and bow down.

"Your Majesty, the prince of the early imperial dynasty, here is a big fight against the Tianjiao of our races, and the North Wing Army is also destroyed by the guards beside him.

Please also your Majesty uphold justice for us! "

The ancestor Aoki looked straight, took a step forward, and said to Emperor Huntian.

The appearance of the emperor was enough to suppress this prince from the beginning.

Even if the quasi-emperor wants to help the prince of the early prince, he has to cast a rat avoidance!

The title of quasi-emperor carries a word for emperor, but the gap with the real emperor is still like a big difference.

In the final analysis, Zhundi still belongs to the realm of the ancient sage giant.

And the power of the emperor is already unbelievably powerful, far from the so-called quasi-emperor, and can be compared.

There is no doubt that the power of the quasi-emperor surpasses most of the ancient sage giants, and only then will the powers of the heavens and the worlds specialize a realm to distinguish the quasi-emperor-powerful from the ancient sage.

But such a difference is especially ridiculous in front of the emperor!

Before the emperor supreme, both the ancient sage and the quasi emperor were an ant that could be crushed to death at will.

"This guy gave birth to a good son in the early days, and you have also cultivated to the tenth level of the Emperor Sutra in the early days. You can enter the Zhun Emperor in just one step and step on the path of God. It is hoped that you will prove the Tao!

Perhaps in another tens of thousands of years, there will be one more emperor in the Taichu Dynasty! "

The Great Emperor Huntian didn't take care of the ancestor Qingmu and others. He first looked at King Thunder, and then his eyes fell on Qin Yi, slightly surprised.

A great emperor, if you want to investigate the cultivation base that exists under a great emperor, it's like looking at the pattern on the palm, every minute is revealed!

"Thank you for the great emperor's compliment. I'm far away from the emperor's realm, and I'm still separated by several realms. I may not hope to become an emperor in this life."

Qin Yi smiled, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

It seemed that it was not the emperor, but the existence of his peers.

The emperor Huntian's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but sigh.

These enchanting evildoers who can be on the emperor's alternate list really cannot be underestimated, but they are not comparable to ordinary people.

I think that the Huntian Emperor dynasty founded by him has been established for more than ten thousand years. For a long time, no one has ever been on the waiting list of the great emperor.

Even if his son, known as the first arrogant of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, barely touched the edge of the Great Emperor's alternate list, he was on the 90th place on the Great Emperor's alternate list!

It's a far cry from the prince of the early imperial dynasty!

From his perspective, the Prince of the Beginning was only a barrier to the emperor, far from being a ranking on the Great Emperor's alternate list, which can be defined.

If it breaks through the quasi emperor, it may be ranked in the top ten of the emperor's waiting list!

"Don't be humble, the emperor's vision is not so bad that he can't even see through your realm."

The Great Emperor Huntian hummed lightly, speaking lightly.

"Let's go ahead, tell me, the purpose of your coming to Huntian Emperor?

Why kill my wing northern army? "

At this time, the emperor Huntian sank and shouted in a deep voice.

No matter how he admires this prince from the beginning, he will never forget that he is not the arrogant of the Emperor Huntian, nor the arrogant of the Huntianji clan!

What's more, he eliminated a man of the main battle army of Emperor Huntian!

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