Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1631: The plight of the wood spirits

Muling Valley.

"We will see your Majesty!"

A group of members of the Wood Spirit Clan, led by the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan, fell in front of Qin Yi.

"Get up."

Qin Yi said indifferently.

Everyone of the Mu Ling tribe stood up, their faces were extremely respectful.

Just now, all of the Mu Ling clan signed a contract with Qin Yi, and the great powers signed the contract with the heavens, while the ordinary people signed the master-servant contract.

By this time, Qin Yi had completely subdued the Wood Spirit Race!

At this time, Qin Yi did not hide his identity anymore.

"The whole clan, there are only more than 20,000 people, less than 30,000?"

Qin Yi frowned when he heard that the head of the Mu Ling clan had reported the total number of the Mu Ling clan.

Not too much, but too little!

Counting the tribes who have just transformed into shape and have no cultivation base, there are no 30,000 people.

The reason for this is the origin of the birth of the wood spirit family.

The wood spirit family is a race formed by ancient medicines and plants that give birth to the mind, and it takes at least hundreds of thousands of ages to give birth to the spirit and wisdom. There are only one or two possibilities to transform into a human form.

For example, in the Wood Spirit Valley, these ancient medicines nourished by the Great Array are those of the Wood Spirit tribe who have not yet given birth to wisdom.

Therefore, the number of Mu Ling clan can't get up.


The ancient medicines with ignorant minds were carefully dug out from the ground by the Wood Spirit tribe.

Qin Yi subdued the Wood Spirit Clan, and it was impossible to keep the Wood Spirit Clan in the Huntian Great World, so he should bring him back to the imperial dynasty.

These wooden spirit tribesmen are just preparing for the transfer of the tribe.

"In addition to the age of medicine for the birth of the Wood Spirit tribe, what is more important is the environment of the tribe, and the concentration of aura is more important.

The higher the concentration of aura, the shorter the time required, and vice versa. "

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, thinking about the possibility of increasing the number of Wood Spirit Race.

If Qin Yi wants to cultivate the imperial dynasty, the alchemist is naturally indispensable!

Originally, Hao Yilian and the recruited human alchemist were already stretched to supply the land of the Tianyao continent.

After the entire Tianyao Continent was included under his command, the number of members of the Pill Alchemy Pavilion has also increased a lot.

However, compared to the entire Tianyao Continent, it was still not enough.

And these clansmen of the Wood Spirit tribe are all natural alchemists, and their alchemy talents far surpass most human races and monster races. After the birth of spiritual wisdom, they will become a qualified alchemist after a little training.

For the Buluo Dynasty, the more people of the Wood Spirits are of course the better!

"Choose several secret realms with the highest concentration of aura in the Tianyao continent as the resident of the Wood Spirit Race?"

Qin Yi rubbed his chin, and made a plan in an instant.

After Sun Wukong set up that big formation, the concentration of aura in the entire Tianyao Continent increased, and many secret worlds were born.

Among them, there is no lack of secret realms with extremely high concentration of spiritual energy. It is not unreasonable to select one from them as the resident of the Wood Spirit Race!

"Your Majesty, there are still many high-grade elixirs and high-grade ancient medicines hidden in the Chinese Medicine Pavilion of our clan, do you have a look?"

At this moment, the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan came to Qin Yi's side and said flatly.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Qin Yi nodded, and also followed the instructions of the head of the Mu Ling clan.

There are not many good things in the Wood Spirit Clan Medicine Pavilion, it is nothing more than some quasi-emperor pill, which does not have much effect on Qin Yi's clone.

However, after thinking about it, the ancient medicine master's ancient medicine secret realm can find the beast shedding pill and a divine medicine of imperial grade.

No, there may also be some gains in the Wood Spirit Clan Medicine Pavilion.

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