Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1637: The emperor's huge advantage


The little guy lay on Qin Yi's head and collapsed lazily.

The little guy is resting on Qin Yi's head, and he doesn't want to come down anymore, so that he feels very funny and very excited.

Qin Yi didn't care about the little guy either, but sorted out his own practice.

Similar to his own realm, Qin Yi has never used killing points to improve his understanding of exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers, apart from using killing points to improve his cultivation level.

All along, Qin Yi has relied on his own comprehension!

"True Dragon Yun Linggong, Tyrant Boxing, and Vientiane Swordsmanship have all been deduced to the middle-level imperial grade martial arts, but there are also many unnecessary points.

I also need to spend a lot of time to comprehend. "

Qin Yi's mind is active, constantly stripping his own realm.

Not only these three martial arts, but the magical powers that Qin Yi possessed also required him to spend a lot of time to comprehend.

For example, after Qin Yi obtained the magical power of the immortal golden body, it was only used as a way to strengthen his vigor.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that this magic orb was covered in dust!

Immortal golden body, this magical power can be regarded as the only way to condense immortal immortal body, even the Supreme Realm of the Great Emperor will spy!

This supernatural power is cultivated to the extreme, and it is said that it can condense an immortal body!

The secret of the immortal body is even more related to the realm above the emperor, and any strong emperor can't help but make a move.

If you let others know that this magical power is in Qin Yi's hands, it is only used as a technique to increase Qi, and I am afraid that it will not be vomiting blood.

Not to mention, Qin Yi also has the same star as the Immortal Golden Body, or even more precious magical powers, such as throwing beans into a soldier and being an avatar.

In a single wheel, with martial arts and supernatural powers, most emperors are no better than Qin Yi!


Counting a treasure, maybe even the emperor can't match him!

"There is no need to increase martial arts and supernatural powers before reaching the emperor's realm. These are enough."

Qin Yi shook his head.

His supernatural powers and martial arts seem to be of extremely high rank.

But speaking of it, it is not necessarily a good thing to pass a lot of martial arts. Every martial arts and magical enlightenment requires a lot of time.

Ordinary martial artists, before the Great Emperor realm, also practiced at most one high-grade martial arts, or high-star supernatural power.

One way of martial arts, not much more expensive!

Few people would choose to practice multiple martial arts and supernatural powers at the same time, not only lacking energy, but also consuming too many resources!

Don't look at Qin Yi, you can practice in the world of the purple mansion at will. This is actually consuming the power of the world of the purple mansion. As far as Qin Yi casts the foundation of the purple mansion, it is dragon spirit!

How could an ordinary warrior have such an atmospheric approach?


What does not exist, even most emperors cannot be as extravagant as Qin Yi, regardless of the foundation of the Zifu world.

"Compared to the lords of most dynasties, or the emperors, my advantage lies in the people under my command, and I will return to my heart!"

Qin Yi is very clear about his own advantages.

The Tianyao Continent has just been brought under the control of the Buluo Dynasty, but the people of the Tianyao Continent have already returned to their hearts!

Qin Yishuai did not fall to the imperial dynasty, and thwarted the Xuanye Demon Clan's incursion, so that the hundreds of millions of creatures in Tianyao mainland basically agreed with the imperial dynasty.

Even with the efforts of Tingfengwei, most of the lives are gradually becoming diehard loyalists of the imperial dynasty!

How many dragon qi can be produced by hundreds of millions of creatures can be seen by Qin Yi being able to use the world of the purple mansion at will.

But not all the lords of the dynasty can have such treatment!

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