Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1643: Enshrine Hall

When Qin Yi was playing with the girls, inside Tianyao mainland.

North state.

The former imperial capital of the Dading Dynasty is now called Dading City.

The Buluo Dynasty had already taken over Dading City a few months ago and transformed it into the state city of Beizhou based on the original foundation of Dading City!

The main city of a state!

One of the sixteen prefecture cities, one of the sixteen most prosperous cities except for the imperial capital that can now be called the center of the Tianyao continent!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Great Ding City is more prosperous than before!


A group of figures walked through the air, stepping on the escape light and falling into the Great Ding City, every one of them was at least a real Yuan warrior!

There is no shortage of eclosion of heaven and man, and even great power comes!

In Tianyao Continent, the concentration of aura is becoming stronger day by day, and it is becoming more and more suitable for martial arts practice, and a large number of strong people have emerged one after another.

Integrating the entire Tianyao Continent, the national power of the imperial dynasty can be said to be thriving!

Even, there are two in succession who have not fallen the strong, and have achieved the realm of the ancient sage!

Hao Xing Sword Master.

Snake Yuan.

Of the two, one was the first saint in the original Tianyao continent.

The other is the first person among the demon generals of the mysterious night demon clan!

The two were only half a step away from the ancient sage realm. They broke through the ancient sage realm a month ago and caused quite a stir.

Especially when Snake Yuan broke through the ancient sage, the devilish energy filled the sky, and the laws of the magic way manifested, like magic stars hanging in the sky!

The creatures of the Tianyao Continent were all shaking, thinking that the remnants of the demon race outside the territories appeared again, like a big enemy!

In the end, Qin Yi came forward and explained everything, and everyone was even more in awe.

After that, Snake Yuan was appointed by Qin Yi as the pavilion master of the Demon Dao Pavilion to manage all the martial artists of the Tianyao Continent Demon Dao for Qin Yi.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the newly-established worship hall in Tianyao Continent, which contains powerful people above the realm of Tianyao Continent's saints, but who have not served in the court.

The hall of worship is divided into more than a dozen sub-chambers, such as the Kendo Pavilion, Alchemy Pavilion, Star-gazing Pavilion, etc., and the Modao Pavilion is one of them!

The pavilion owner of this pavilion is currently the first person in Tianyao Continent, Pure Sun Sword Immortal, Lu Dongbin!

At the same time, Lu Dongbin is also the master of the Kendo Pavilion. When it comes to Kendo, Lu Dongbin is also the first person in Tianyao!

Cut immortals in one style, cut down the peak demon!

However, after the war, Pavilion Master Lu has already closed the door, and it is said that he is attacking a higher level.

The reason why the Great Ding City is so lively and the strong gathered is because the Kendo Pavilion is here to recruit talented school lieutenants.

The mode of existence of this worship hall is the same as the mode of existence of previous sects, in other words, this is the sect formed by integrating all the great religions of the entire Tianyao continent!

The so-called school lieutenant is equivalent to a disciple of the school.

It's just that this school was built by the Buluo Dynasty himself, completely loyal to Qin Yi, it is impossible to betray!

The worship hall can be regarded as the best way for casual practitioners to get ahead except joining the military!

The orders that are not used by the military are forbidden, and they are restrained everywhere. Relatively speaking, the temple of worship is more unrestrained, and it is also more popular with martial artists!

Needless to say, kendo is always sought after, and the sword is also called a gentleman in the army.

Kill one person in ten steps, never stay for a thousand miles!

Allow you to learn a thousand martial arts, a thousand ways of magic, I will break it with a single sword!

The recruitment ceremony of the worship hall also attracted countless warriors in Beizhou to hear the wind and want to worship the worship hall.

Even if he was just a school lieutenant, he would be considered an official position from the eighth rank in Buluo Dynasty!

It can be attracted by thousands of people!

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