Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1647: Two idiots, you were found


The tall man was speechless for a while.

His inference, the biggest loophole is here.

"Well, Old Ghost Yu, I know you want to show off your own wisdom, but don't show off in front of me next time!"

The thin man bit the voice of the word wisdom very hard, full of mockery.


The tall man was furious, his mana surged, and he seemed to have to do something with the thin man.

Obviously it is from anger to anger. The tall man has always been called a martial idiot, or he has been regarded as a simple-minded man!

And he hates others most at this point, taunting him, this is his taboo!

"Why, want to do it with me?"

The thin man's eyes sank and he smiled contemptuously.

"Lao Yang, you are very good. Lao Tzu remembers your words. When the task of the prime minister is completed, return to the imperial court, Lao Tzu has a way to clean up you!"

The tall man took a deep breath and restrained his anger.

"I'm waiting!" The thin man dismissed it. "As long as you remember the purpose of our trip, complete the tasks assigned by the prime minister, and find out the details of this dynasty by the way, and prepare for the layout of your majesty and prime minister."

The tall man said nothing, but his face was gloomy, and he acquiesced to the suggestion of the thin man.

at this time.

"Inquire about me?"

A bland word suddenly rang in the ears of the two of them.

The thin guys trembled in their hearts, suddenly turned their heads to look, and instantly burst into cold sweat!

I saw that beside them, I didn't know when, there was a young man with two swords on his back.

The faint glow of sword light, like a nine-day galaxy hanging over the youth!

The youth stands in place, like a divine sword spanning the sun and the moon, reaching up to Qingming and down to Jiuyou, connecting the world!

Swordsmanship is pure sun, floating like a fairy!

Lu Dongbin.

"Who are you waiting, why come and spy on me?"

Lu Dongbin's voice was cold, and he looked at them faintly.

There was a little bit of luck in his heart.

If it hadn't been for him to break through the barrier recently, he had nothing to do and followed the Kendo Pavilion to recruit people.

Otherwise, they wouldn't just notice the mana fluctuations and find two people.

"Who are you?"

The tall man's eyes darkened slightly, staring at Lu Dongbin vigilantly.

An existence that can sneak silently beside them is at least the pinnacle ancient sage of the same level as them!

In terms of strength, he will never be under him and Yang Laoer!

An ancient sage of the highest peak suddenly appeared, how could he not wonder.

Lu Dongbin was not any peak ancient sage he had ever seen. Of course, he didn't think too much about the fact that the eastern frontier was so big and the strong came out in large numbers, how could he understand all of them.

"Don't fall, Lu Dongbin!"

Lu Dongbin spoke lightly.

As soon as he said this, the thin man frowned and his heart grew heavier.

Just talking about the Pure Sun Sword Immortal, the Pure Sun Sword Immortal popped out from beside them and gave them a great power.

"It turns out that it was the Sword Immortal Pure Yang, who went to visit the guest of the Prime Minister Jiang under the Emperor Taichu, Yang Li!"

The thin man converged his mind, smiled faintly and gave Lu Dongbin a fist.

"Prime Minister Jiang gets off the guest, Yu Tianhua!"

Tall manly.

"Emperor Dynasty at the beginning?"

Lu Dongbin said softly, his eyes condensed slightly.

As early as after Qin Yi turned the Prince of the Beginning into a avatar, Qin Yi also informed the ministers of the Buluo imperial dynasty about the power distribution in the eastern frontier.

The Taichu imperial dynasty, which the Taichu prince knew best, was naturally the top priority!

Lu Dongbin and others, the one who understood the most is also the Taichu Dynasty.

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