Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1656: The precious nine heavens

"Hahaha, what a joke, I love you very much!"

Qin Yi said with a smirk.

"Huh! Stinky husband!"

Liu Yiyi's face is not as thick as Qin Yi, even after so many years, Liu Yiyi is as tender as thin paper.

It was better than Hao Yilian, the thinnest-skinned person. How could it be enough for Qin Yi to tease her in front of the girls.

Seeing Liu Yiyi's shy expression, the other women who accompanied Hancock also covered their mouths and laughed.

Husband, the ruffian, is making fun of sister Yiyi again.


Qin Yi was in a happy mood.

It's really a pleasure to make fun of your own queen.

Liu Yiyi couldn't help but twisted Qin Yi to express his dissatisfaction.

Even Hancock raised his eyes and glanced at Qin Yi angrily.

The emperor dignified for a while, unexpectedly so innocent!

Hancock made up her mind that if it is the fetus in her arms, if it is a boy, she must teach it well, but she can't be like her husband!

Speaking of the fetus in the abdomen, it has already been conceived, and according to the secret method in the Tianyao continent, the **** of the fetus can already be found.

However, countless medical sages in Tianyao Continent cannot find out the **** of the fetus.

This is anxious to the ministers of the imperial dynasty and the two queen mothers of Yanmei.

You know, Hancock is the most orthodox bloodline of the Buluo imperial family at this moment, and he is the heir of the Buluo imperial family!

If it is a prince, it is a prince!

If it is a princess, it is not bad, but it will also disappoint the courtiers of the Buluo imperial clan. The subsequent heirs of the Buluo imperial clan are still unstable.

Although, under Qin Yi's intentional or unintentional control, the status of female warriors has improved a lot on the Tianyao continent.

However, in the countless years of tradition in the Tianyao Continent, men are still prostitutes, even among the heavens and the world!

It is not uncommon for women to inherit the throne, but there are too few. To rule a dynasty, even if it is a dynasty, sufficient means and courage are needed.

In this regard, men clearly have an advantage over women.

Few emperors and emperors pass their position to women!

Therefore, the whole court doesn't know how many people are staring at Hancock's stomach, and there is no lack of meaning to bet in advance.

However, I don't know how many sages of medical science have used various secret methods to tell whether the child Hancock is pregnant is a male or a female.

Finally, Qin Yi spoke up.

"The reason why you can't wait and snoop is because there is a nine heavenly celestial energy in Hancock's belly blocking anyone's sight!"

Nine Heavens Immortal Qi!

The energy carrier that can be compared with Hongmeng Purple Qi and Chaos Spiritual Spirit is far from chaotic spiritual energy, or chaotic essence comparable!

There are only three or four kinds of energies in the heavens and all realms that can be compared.

It is said that only the Highest Immortal Realm, which is above the heavens and ten thousand realms, has the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, which is the foundation of the cultivation of immortals!

If a cultivator in the heavens and ten thousand realms can take a sip, not to mention the skyrocketing longevity for a million years, the cultivation base is bound to be too diligent!

Even the emperor supreme has a passion for Jiu Tianxian!

And if you want to get the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, you must be able to break the barrier between the heavens and the immortal realms. Only the top figures among the great emperors, or those above the great emperor, can do this.

The stock of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi in the heavens and all realms is extremely small.

Even, it's hard to find!

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