Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1664: Dare not touch you, joke

"Your Majesty is here!"

The sharp sound broke the brief peace in the dungeon.

The open door of the dungeon leads to the warm outside world, and wisps of sunlight spill down from the door of the dungeon.

Everyone in the dungeon looked back, looking at the stairs connecting the outside of the dungeon.

Up the ladder.

Qin Yi wore a nine-chapter imperial robe and a flat crown, bathed in golden sunlight, slowly stepping down the dungeon stairs.

Like a banished immortal stepping from the heavens!

"See your majesty!"

Bai Zai and the others were shocked, even if they knelt down, they bowed to Qin Yi.

Both Yang Li raised their eyes to look at Qin Yi, their eyes calm, and there was no fear, on the contrary they looked a little bit more!

Is this the emperor of this dynasty?

In other words, the great figures of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods in exile on the Tianyao Continent?

Sage's fourfold cultivation base?


Yang Li said softly, with a little surprise on his face.

There are only four cultivators of saints in the ten thousand gods, no wonder they will lose in the fight for power and fall into another world!

However, this matter is worth planning.

The great emperor in the imperial dynasty is not the lord of this dynasty, but this person is the emperor, and the words in it are big.

A sage's four-fold principal, not to mention the emperor, even he can't really worship this person!

No, the great emperor had already intentionally left this person, but he didn't leave because he was afraid of feelings.

"Your Excellency is not the emperor. I will wait for the Emperor Taichu to come and send congratulations to the Emperor of your dynasty. Is this your way of hospitality?"

Yang Li's eyes flashed, and then he spoke.

After Qin Yi arrived, Yang Li's attitude became tougher.

He was sure of the great emperor who did not fall into the dynasty, but he did not leave the so-called dynasty that he did not leave the dynasty.

As long as he went back to report to his Majesty the Prime Minister, he planned to let that great emperor join the Taichu imperial dynasty.

When the time comes, what will this not fall into the dynasty?

"Are you scolding me just now?"

Qin Yi didn't pay attention to Yang Li, but looked at Yu Tianhua.

The faint words and the expressionless face made people unable to understand his joy and anger.

The deep eyes fell on Yu Tianhua, making his heart tremble!


Yu Tianhua was very humiliating, he was actually shocked by the gaze of a saint's four-tier warrior!

Facing Qin Yi, he was like facing a supreme ruler in charge of the latitudes and longitudes of the heavens, like the eyes of a galaxy, making him unavoidably sinking into it, unable to escape!

It seemed that everything about him was seen through by Qin Yi.

"Why, so what if I scold you, you dare to kill Lao Tzu and not succeed.

If you dare to move me, the emperor will not spare you! "

After a long time, Yu Tianhua came back to his senses, and became angry.

He really didn't believe it, how dare Qin Yi really treat him!

The two of them came on behalf of the Great Emperor, how could the Great Emperor sit and watch them fall into a dynasty.

Besides, Qin Yi really didn't look at them.

A martial artist with four levels of saints, if it is really in terms of strength, it is just an ant in their eyes!

"Don't dare to move you?"

Qin Yi suddenly smiled.

I dare not touch you, what a funny joke!

"Palm mouth."

The words were faint, without a trace of anger, but they were cold into the bones.

Lu Dongbin, who was standing next to Qin Yi, suddenly moved, and in a blink of an eye he came to Yu Tian's incarnation, with his right hand raised high.


With a loud slap, Yu Tian turned into a blindfold, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

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