Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1666: The emperor is face to face, but bows his head

The mana of the two Yang Li was sealed by the Ten Thousand Dao trapped Emperor Suo, and even a single trace of mana could not be used. In addition, Yang Li's ancient Yue divine body was broken, and he was in weakness.

Being stepped on by Qin Yi like this, not to mention half his life, he almost went out for one life!

At this moment, Yu Tianhua felt a little scared.

For nothing else, it was Qin Yi's unscrupulous attitude.

He is an ancient sage of the pinnacle. He has a full 60 million years of life, and he hasn't even passed half of the years.

He didn't want to die in this dark dungeon so miserably!

In the early days, the emperor said that Yu Tianhua had a bad temper, but in fact, Yu Tianhua knew how to subdue more than most people.

He will only show his irritable side in front of people who are weaker than him.

Before this, Qin Yi and others were weak and weak in his eyes, but at this moment, what kind of weak is this, he is clearly a cruel person!

If they were dead, he didn't know if the Emperor of Taichu would send troops because of them, but he knew that if he died, there would be nothing!

"Don't, don't fight, I admit my mistake and ask the emperor to forgive me!

Ask the emperor for forgiveness! "

Yu Tianhua finally lowered his arrogant head and said in fear.

As long as he can live, he doesn't mind bowing his head.

It's nothing more than bowing to the powerful and powerful when you first stepped into the martial arts!

"Roar! Yu Tianhua, you're a fool, you are actually subdued to a junior with a fourfold saint?"

Yang Li roared wildly, his face grim, his head missing half of it looked particularly terrifying.

To be almost trampled to death by a junior was a shame, humiliation and anger to him.


Qin Yi's eyes were cold, and his feet moved slightly, almost crushing the other half of Yang Li's head.

However, Qin Yi's feet were very measured, and he did not completely crush the other half of Yang Li's head, which could not only allow Yang Li to endure the pain, but also prevent Yang Li from dying.

Even Yang Li could feel Qin Yi's foot, as if it was also stepping on his soul!


The pain of head splitting, coupled with the pain of the soul, almost tortured Yang Li crazy, and a hoarse cry came from Yang Li's mouth.

Yu Tianhua shuddered, his body chilling.

This emperor of the imperial dynasty is a very ruthless person!

Yu Tianhua was also fortunate. He bowed his head as early as possible to avoid the pain of the flesh. After he begged for mercy, Lu Dongbin did not slap him.


He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at Yang Li's eyes with a touch of pity.

This old man Yang still has a face to say about him. Could he not see the current situation clearly?

If you don't bow your head at this time, is it impossible to die for the Taichu Emperor?

An ancient sage of the highest peak is the most top-notch figure in the world of one side.

Even in an imperial dynasty, he is a number one!

No matter in which dynasty, it can be reused.

Even if they couldn't stay in the Taichu Emperor Dynasty because of bowing their heads to Qin Yi, they could also leave the Taichu Emperor Dynasty.

It is not impossible to travel far to other realms!

Besides, it was just telling Qin Yi and the others that the purpose of sending them by the Great Emperor in the Beginning was nothing more.

Such things may not be seen through by others.

Why bother to support?

As if feeling Yu Tianhua's thoughts, Yang Li finally spoke.

"The emperor... lord, don't step on it, old... old... old...

What do you want to ask, all the old...say! "

Yang Li said weakly and weakly.

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