Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1669: Alchemy is much more fun than husband

"Husband, isn't the concubine body just refining a high-grade local pill!

Once the refining is finished, won't the concubine rush over? "

Hao Yilian wrinkled Xiaoqiong's nose and acted like a baby in Qin Yi's arms.

Since Qin Yi established the alchemy pavilion, under Qin Yi's instruction, Hao Yilian, the concubine lotus, has also become the patron of the alchemy pavilion.

At the same time, the current Hao Yilian is also the highest alchemy in the imperial dynasty, and even the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Clan can't compare it!

The inheritance of the alchemy of Dousita Palace, the alchemy of the old man, and the alchemy of Hao Yilian have reached the realm of the alchemy master!

Because Hao Yilian's cultivation did not reach the quasi emperor, she did not become a master of alchemy.

Even Hao Yilian at this moment can be counted as the evangelist of the old man!

"Oh? Is the pill that I am important?"

Qin Yi raised his brows lightly and seemed to be jealous.


Hearing this, Hao Yilian frowned her willow eyebrows, and a touch of entanglement appeared on her pretty face just right.


Qin Yi looked down, his nose shook.

In this Nizi's heart, I still can't compare to a pill?

Is my status so low?

"Of course the husband is more important."

As if sensing Qin Yi's dissatisfaction, Hao Yilian quickly said softly.

However, immediately afterwards, Hao Yilian smiled wittyly: "But alchemy is much more fun than husband."

Having said that, Hao Yilian stretched out her white jade hand and patted Qin Yi on the shoulder, smiling.


Qin Yi's expression was wrong, what Nizi said just now.

I have no alchemy for fun?

"You Nizi, is it because I didn't feed you yesterday and actually said that I didn't make alchemy for fun?

Must be served by family law! "

Qin Yi made a furious look, and reached out his hand to catch Hao Yilian and perform what he called family law.

"Hee hee hee!"

Hao Yilian smiled Qin Ran, twisted her body, and escaped from Qin Yi's arms.

It's a pity that Qin Yi's cultivation is higher than Hao Yilian in the study, how could Hao Yilian escape Qin Yi's clutches.


With a crisp sound, Qin Yi's guilty big hand patted Hao Yilian's full circle.


Hao Yilian exclaimed, with a charming blush on her face.

Hao Yilian, Nizi, has always had the thinnest skin, and she was too ashamed to not be in this study.

"Husband, if you are necrotic, you know to bully your concubine!"

Hao Yilian stared at her watery eyes, with a touch of resentment in her charming expression.

I can't wait to bite the bad guy.

The shame and the tender manner, the amorous feelings, most touch the heartstrings.

"Hahaha, see if you dare to make fun of me!"

Qin Yi laughed and squeezed Hao Yilian's little Qiong nose.

Hao Yilian was refusing to follow her, and she looked shy and shy.

After frolicking for a while, the two talked about the business.

Hao Yilian poked out her small head from Qin Yi's arms: "Husband, you ask your concubine to come, do you have anything to do?"

"you guess?"

At this time, Qin Yi sold off again.

"A gift to give to my concubine?"


"Want to take my concubine to play?"


"what is that?"

"My concubine can't guess it, husband, please tell them."

Hao Yilian tilted her head and thought for a while, but she couldn't think of it, so she acted like a baby in Qin Yi's arms.

"Okay, okay, look at this."

Qin Yi burst into laughter, and didn't have Hao Yilian's appetite, pointing a short distance in front of him.

Not to mention, this Nizi is going to quarrel with him.

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