Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1678: What thunder tribulation, I can destroy it

Thunder robbery.

This is a weird and terrible thing.

Regardless of Heaven's Punishment, or this Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation, it belongs to Heavenly Might in essence.

The majesty of the sky, one can imagine how terrifying this coercion is!


A group of powerful men flying in the air roared and released their aura to help the people resist the thunder.

Although these strong men are still standing, they feel a great deal of pressure in the thunder robbery, and their faces turn pale.

"Master Lu, what can I do?"

In mid-air, Sword Master Hao Xing looked ugly and spoke with difficulty.

Under such pressure, he had the urge to turn around and escape.

As an ancient sage giant, he is so, not to mention other people.


Lu Dongbin did not answer, but solemnly looked at Jieyun above his head.

This Thunder Tribulation came too suddenly, and he didn't give them any chance to prepare. Lu Dongbin originally wanted to break the Tribulation Cloud.

But as soon as he wanted to make a move, he could clearly perceive the warning from the two heavenly swords behind him. The meaning of the heavenly sword was very obvious.

If he makes a move, I am afraid there will be a danger of death!

Therefore, he has been in a stalemate here and has not yet started.


The robbery cloud above his head became more and more turbulent, and the chains of Jidao moved, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, which was breathtaking.

As if it was possible at any time, it suddenly fell down.

And there is only one result of the fall of Lei Jie, that is, the emperor is destroyed!

"Damn it!"

Lu Dongbin gritted his teeth, ignoring the warning from the Heavenly Sword, urging his own mana and preparing to shoot.

In any case, can't let this thunder robber the imperial capital!

Even if he died, he must protect the capital!

"Chunyang, you step back and leave this to me to handle!"

At this moment, a cold and majestic voice came from the imperial capital.

Lu Dongbin and the others looked back, and a figure dressed in a nine-chapter robe walked slowly towards the sky, and within a few steps, it went straight to the sky.


Everyone was taken aback, and before they could react, the robbery cloud above their heads suddenly surged when the emperor appeared.

"Boom boom boom!"

It was as if the heavenly **** drum was roaring, and the mountains and the earth were shaking.

Jieyun slowly pressed down, submerging thousands of miles of void, the sky was white and the sky was shaking thunder everywhere.

The falling aftermath shattered countless mountains, and the earth opened countless terrifying and terrifying cracks!

Simply, the Eight Diagrams Array of Mountains and Rivers was independently activated and protected the city within the range of Thunder Tribulation, which did not cause huge damage.

"What a thunderous sky, it is comparable to the power of the great emperor!"

Qin Yi stepped into the air and exclaimed in admiration.

It is not unreasonable that Cheng Dan Lei Jie is called the Little Great Lei Jie.

In terms of power, it can be compared with the great emperor's full blow, which is why the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan does not want Qin Yi to make a move.

If it is not the emperor, he really can't resist this Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation.

Moreover, even if the emperor made the move, as long as it was not the emperor who refined the imperial grade **** pill, other emperors would not dare to intervene rashly!

If other emperors rashly intervene, they will be regarded as a provocation by Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation, violating the laws of the heavens, and it is very likely to aggravate Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation!

At that time, not only will the **** pill be destroyed, but also the great emperor who shot will be lost in thunder.

However, since Qin Yi has stood up, it means that he is not afraid of this thunder.

What thunder robbery?

What law of the heavens?

What thunder calamity strengthens, and what can it be?

Turn it over!

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