Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1680: Enraged Thunder Tribulation


The vast thundercloud uttered a thunder that shook the sky, as if Tiandao was angry.

The countless thunders in the thunder sea continued to roll, as if boiling, the countless thunders gathered and evolved thousands of shapes.

There are gods, wearing thunder armor, and capturing thunder soldiers!

There is a Tianlong with bright beards, hair and scales. There are totally eighty-one statues hovering in the thunder sea, their huge bodies covering the sky and the sun!

There are palaces, majestic, ups and downs in the terrifying sea of ​​thunder!

"No, this is already at the level of the Great Emperor Lei Jie!"

The patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan who walked out of the Dousita Temple, his face changed drastically.

After the emperor intervened, the Thunder Tribulation of Cheng Dan, which originally belonged to Zhuxia Ning Shen Pill, the power of Thunder Tribulation rose to a level as a whole!

Such a thunder robbery does not lose to the real Chengdi thunder robbery.


Hao Yilian's face suddenly showed a touch of worry, it was all because she had to keep Zhuxia Ning Shen Dan to make her husband fall into such a crisis.

If she was not willful, the husband would not fall into such a trap.

At this moment, Hao Yilian regretted it.

"Lady Concubine Lotus, don't worry, if the Great Sage Monkey takes the shot, you can keep the emperor worry-free!"

The patriarch of the Mu Ling clan on the side quickly said with relief.

In the Buluo Dynasty for several months, the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan has also understood the background of the Buluo Dynasty, who is the Great Sage of Heaven.

In the eyes of many people, the strongest person in the Buluo Dynasty was Sun Wukong, who had killed the Great Emperor Xuanye and did not know where to cultivate.

If Sun Wukong made the move, no matter how strong this Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation was, there would be no way to help the emperor, at least there was no problem with protecting the emperor.

However, apart from Qin Yi, no one knew that Monkey King was not summoned.

One is to let the people of the Buluo Dynasty trust their hearts.

For the two, Sun Wukong will be summoned sooner or later, and Yang Jian has a limited time summoning opportunity, which is no different from having Monkey King sitting in town.


Hao Yilian's expression slowed down, her face still worried.

The Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation in the sky is too terrifying, like a world-destroying thunder Tribulation, knocking thousands of miles into the void.


When everyone was worried, Lei Jie had already moved.

A **** of thunder, holding the thunder sky in his hand, rushed from the sea of ​​thunder like a torrent, and the bright thunder light immediately covered all the rays of light in the nine heavens.

The gods will dance, the sun and the moon shine together!

It is like an ancient heaven, coming back to the world.

Anything that stands in front of you will be crushed into powder by countless thunder gods, and nothing left will be crushed to death!

In terms of combat power, a single Thunder God General has a powerful level of combat power, but this Thunder God General is more than a million!

Hong Hong is overwhelmed, who can be the opponent?

"Lei Jie has moved!"

"Lei Ting transforms into a god, this is the infinite calamity only recorded in ancient books!"

"Can the emperor stop it?"

Countless people are anxious, watching the sky nervously.

There was a touch of worry in everyone's eyes, worried about whether the emperor could survive this terrible thunder.

No, the emperor can not only survive, but also break the thunder.

Heavenly calamity, the emperor can be broken, in front of the emperor, even if it is the way of heaven, he must bow his head!

"The Emperor Dragon Sword!"

In the face of countless thunder gods, Qin Yi smiled, and his tongue burst out.


The golden real dragon hovering over the head of Buluohuang Dynasty issued a shocking dragon roar, blooming with dazzling glory.

Quill, the golden real dragon slowly shrank, and then turned into a thick and simple golden long sword, with the sun, moon and stars inscribed on one side, and the various forms of sentient beings, and the people bow their heads!

Exactly, the Emperor Dragon Sword!

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