Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1684: The wrath of God, the gods punish

"Long live the emperor!"

The people in the imperial capital shouted for the emperor from the heart.

The neat roars merged into one place, and even the clouds in the nine heavens were shaken, and the mountains and rivers were also shaken.

This is the real grandeur!

What is the robbery, the emperor can swallow it in one bite!


Hao Yilian breathed a sigh of relief, her beautiful eyes staring at the figure in the sky madly.

Just when everyone thought that Cheng Dan's Thunder Tribulation was over, there was a new movement of the thunder cloud in the sky that was cut in half by Qin Yi's sword.


Lei Chao rolled around, suddenly closed, and turned into a sky-shaking robbery again.

The ancient palace on which there has been no movement, flashing with a crystal luster, as if flashing with the color of colorful colored glaze!

The vastness of essence poured in like water, submerged in the ancient palace.

There was silence in the world.

There was only a huge pressure coming from the depths of the palace, as if there was a supreme god, who wanted to break free from the shackles and walk out of it.

"Finally see through my plan, it's not really stupid!"

In Qin Yi's eyes the size of a mountain, they were deep, gloomy, and extremely indifferent.

Even if the enemy he faced next was an opponent who might be comparable to the emperor, he could not be moved.

Looking carefully, deep in the eyes of the emperor, there is still a trace of pity, and the calmness of winning.

Everything is under the control of the emperor!


In the thunder sea, the ancient palaces were ups and downs, and the powerful pressure came from the depths of the palaces, causing the hearts of Buluo everyone to be raised again.

They seem to have seen this terrible power before!

That was the coercion brought by Emperor Xuanye when he invaded Tianyao Continent. Although it might be a bit inferior, this coercion has also reached the realm of the emperor!

In this palace, there is a creature comparable to the Great Emperor, who will be conceived!

Even Liu Yiyi and other women in various palaces were shocked and walked out of the palace, looking worriedly at the emperor on the sky.

"What's going on? Isn't Cheng Dan Thunder Tribulation over?"

A trace of anxiety flashed in Hao Yilian's eyes.

The sudden change made her worried.

It's just that, no one has ever seen such a scene before, or it is the first time that even Lei Jie has seen it.

How can everyone understand this change?

This is true even for Lu Dongbin, the highest cultivation base.

"Could it be..."

In the end, the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan said with some uncertainty.

"Elder Mu Ge, do you know what happened?"

Hao Yilian, and everyone who was alarmed, quickly looked at the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan.

"If the veteran didn't guess wrong, this should be God's anger!

Or it can be called the wrath of the gods. It is rumored that if someone threatens the safety of the plane of heaven, the plane of heaven will be angry! "

The patriarch of the Mu Ling clan looked heavy and even a little ugly.

The wrath of God, in the record, is the plane of heaven, used to attack the creatures that anger oneself, the last resort.

The downfall of God's wrath also represents that creature, threatening his own safety!

However, the emperor was obviously only helping Zhu Xia concentrating on the **** pill, through the thunder of the pill, how could he arouse the wrath of God?

Also, on that day Dao was not afraid of that Great Sage Qitian shot?

"Ah, the wrath of God?"

Hao Yilian suddenly exclaimed, very anxious in her heart.

Why, the plane of heaven will bring down the wrath of God?

Will your husband be okay?

Hao Yilian was very anxious, like an ant on a hot pot.

Isn’t the wrath of God the punishment from the gods?

And it is the real punishment from the gods!

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