Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1689: The emperor responds to the call and calms the world without being a ghost


The big hand of the incarnation of Heaven, slowly pressing across the sky, contains unparalleled power.

Countless **** patterns flickered on the big hand, and the endless laws turned into countless chains, which came to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi roared, and the power of his whole body burst out in an instant. The powerful and terrifying power of the Queen of Transforming Dragon shocked Yao Continent all day.

The details of the three avenues of power, thunder, and emperor intertwined with scales are also the three principles Qin Yi practices!

The power of terror can completely contend against the emperor temporarily!

The incarnation of Tiandao was unmoved, the palm of his hand was turned, and the thousands of ways were spread out, and he took a palm at Qin Yi.


The palm of the hand collided with the dragon's body, making an earth-shaking roar.

The ripples caused by the battle between the two instantly spread to infinity, shattering countless spaces, as if rolling up an infinite space storm.


Fortunately, the Shanhe Bagua Formation and the Chao Dynasty Guarding Formation were activated at the same time, and the powerful force immobilized the void, confining the aftermath of the fight between the two within the void of thousands of miles.

This did not cause huge damage to Tianyao Continent!


Qin Yi roared, the vast blood of the real dragon inside his body was surging continuously.

When the body is shaking, shaking the heavens, and breaking the void at will!

The huge body smashed through the void, like a curtain covering the sky, setting off a monstrous storm, flooding the incarnation of Heaven.

Countless people looked up, and at the moment they could only see darkness in the sky, and only the huge true dragon transformed by the emperor was left.

This collision, with unmatched power and unstoppable power, smashed through the sun and the moon, and broke through the heavens and galaxies!

It is as if the ancestral dragon that came from the ancient times, broke through the world!

Even the incarnation of Tian Dao seemed to be shocked by this collision, and the whole body was still in place, unable to move.

"You did nothing when Heavenly Dao invaded by foreign enemies, letting Emperor Xuanye wreak havoc in Tianyao Continent.

Such an ineffective way of heaven is not worthy of being the way of heaven on the Tianyao continent!

I will deprive you of the position of the Dao of Heaven in the name of the imperial dynasty. Instead, I will be the heaven of the Tianyao continent! "

At the same time, Qin Yi sounded like a voice that shook the sky.

Buluo Dynasty commanded Tianyao mainland.

Then I am the sky of Tianyao continent!

No need of heaven, I am the heaven of Tianyao!

"The Emperor!"

Qin Yi's words stunned all the creatures in Tianyao Continent, staring at the sky with incomparable shock.

A surging feeling rose from the hearts of all the people who did not fall, as if there was an invisible shackle, as the emperor’s words were broken, a passionate torrent crisscrossed his chest.

What bullshit, what supreme existence!

In Tianyao, we only recognize the emperor!

God is not doing it, then we will confirm and wait for it!

The emperor stepped forward to respond to the so-called not a ghost in the world!

At this moment, all the people of Buluo Dynasty couldn't help but want to roar, as long as in this Tianyao Continent, no one wants to roar.

Lu Dongbin.


The patriarch of the wood spirit clan.



Even when Hancock heard the fetus in his abdomen in a trance, he also made a cry in a trance.

Scream for his father!


Countless roars and the roar of the emperor merged together and turned into a huge roar that shook the heavens.

The sound is magnificent, and it is so angry!

There is even more boundless dragon energy, which gushes from all over the Tianyao continent and merges into Qin Yi's huge body.

The dazzling golden brilliance bloomed from all over Qin Yi's body.

The aura on Qin Yi's body instantly skyrocketed by a number of chips, and continued to rise until it could be compared with the incarnation of Tiandao itself!

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