Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1696: Sudden resentment

"However, Brother Fu don't have to worry. Specifically, these people should be the people of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods who fled to the Eastern Frontier.

According to the two guest officials in the residence of Prime Minister Jiang, they should have failed to fight for power and fled to the eastern border. "

The white-clothed youth paused, then added.

"Those who fled to the eastern border? So, what has risen from Tianyao mainland Qingzhou and established the dynasty.

Then, the deeds of taking control of the Tianyao Continent, is that the smoke bomb they released? "

The black-clothed boy's eyes flashed, surprised.

According to the news he inquired about during his several months in the Tianyao Continent, the so-called emperor of the imperial dynasty was a native of the Tianyao Continent.

Born in the original small dynasty, the Buluo Dynasty, and then rose step by step, the Buluo Dynasty was promoted to the Buluo Dynasty.

Finally, the entire Tianyao continent was brought under control!

At that time, when he came to this conclusion from all kinds of information, the black-clothed boy looked dumbfounded. If a native of Tianyao mainland, could there be a great emperor to support him?


Really think that the emperor supreme can be seen everywhere, and will listen to the orders of the lord of the dynasty?

"That's it!"

A trace of enlightenment flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed boy, and it was immediately clear to his heart.

Everything he had explored before was the mist released by the Immortal Emperor, in order to conceal his identity as a god.

In other words, it was to avoid the chase of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

It is a pity that if it hadn't been for Emperor Xuanye to lead the invasion of the Xuanye Mozu and expose that great sage, it would really have been covered up by him!

"Since this is the case, there is nothing to worry about."

Thinking of this, the boy in black also breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why the gods of the heavens came out of a strong man who was regarded as a big man in the eastern boundary, even if he was the supreme emperor, he had to be cautious in the face of an existence from the gods of the gods who had not become an emperor.

All this is because of the heavens and gods behind it!

Backed by the heavens and gods, that is the big man!

But if he flees to the Eastern Frontier, he is nothing more than an ordinary person stripped of his noble status.

With the support of a great emperor, his status and status are comparable to him.

"It is said that the cultivation base of the emperor is not as good as you and me, only at the level of eclosion."

The boy in black immediately smiled.

"Tsk tusk, a ‘big man’ from the heavens and dynasties has only the cultivation base of the eclosion realm, what a ‘tough’ talent."

The black-clothed boy raised his mouth, as if sneered.

A great figure born in the gods of the heavens, even if he was in trouble, was supported by a great emperor. It is conceivable that at the beginning, the position of the emperor of the gods was not bad.

As a result, the Emperor Buluo with such an identity has only the cultivation base of the Eclosion Realm?

"What a ridiculous thing?"

The black-clothed boy was sneered and sarcasm, seeming to return his resentment that he was shocked by his identity just now.

Of course, there is also deep jealousy of Qin Yi!

If he was born in the dynasty of Ten Thousand Dao Gods and possessed a noble status, perhaps he would have already been promoted to the emperor!

If not, at least he will become a quasi emperor.

He was resenting Qin Yi. He had this identity, but he only had such a poor cultivation base, resenting him for wasting such an identity.

Of course, if Qin Yi learns, he will only find it inexplicable!

If Qin Yi is really a person of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, what is his cultivation level and whether there is any waste of cultivation resources?

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