Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1713: Heaven doppelganger


All of a sudden, the incarnation of Heaven's Dao's body shined with golden light, as if transformed into a god!

Gradually, the struggle under the eyes of the incarnation of Heaven disappeared a little bit.

The body shape of the incarnation of Tiandao also changed, the temperament of the whole person changed, and the clothes worn on the body also changed.

A seat of purple imperial robe, embroidered with the sun, moon and stars, the image of the real dragon moving!

The three thousand hairs that were hanging down by an emperor's crown were also tied up, and the twelve rows of colored glaze diadem fell quietly.


The incarnation of Tiandao stands with his hands, the corners of the emperor robe's robe will move automatically without wind, swinging like golden ripples, and the sleeves are floating high.

The chaotic atmosphere shrouded in his face also disappeared.

A pair of eyes like the vast stars of the sky, Junyi's face is shimmering, two sword eyebrows are slightly raised, exuding endless imperial prestige, with the nobility that comes with his body!

Looks like a fairy, like a demon!

Astonishingly, the face is the same as Qin Yi's face. So far, the way of heaven has become incarnate!


At the same time, a thunderous thunder suddenly sounded in the Tianyao continent.

Countless blood-red raindrops fell on the sky, as if bleeding, and the entire Tianyao continent was shrouded in a mist of blood!


The law roared, and the sound of ghost crying and howling resounded through Tianyao.

Everyone who was nervously waiting for the outcome of the war, a trace of heart-wrenching sadness floated in their hearts for no reason.

"Blood raindrops?"

"Is this the sky crying?"

"Heaven rains blood, the law is sorrowful!"

Countless people looked up, staring blankly at the blood rain on the sky.

Before everyone could react, there was another earth-shattering roar from the sky, and endless purple gas emerged out of thin air, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire sky.

In the entire Tianyao Continent, misty voices sounded!

The dazzling Sanskrit flowers are hanging down, and golden lotus flowers are pouring out of the vast expanse, with a fragrant fragrance and filling the sky.

There are hundreds of thousands of miles of purple energy coming from the east, and vanity visions are everywhere!

"Surely this really caused this Lord of the Lord to slaughter the Heavenly Dao!"

In the nine days of Tianyao Continent, a black-clothed youth and a white-haired youth looked at the vision in the sky with complex expressions.

"Indisputable, indisputable, compared with you and me are the real bugs!"

The black-clothed boy shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Where is the arrogance in the restaurant, talking and laughing, arrogant to the world?

"In the future, this person is bound to provoke the entire eastern frontier!

If you and I want to face this person directly, you must break through the Supreme Supreme, otherwise you and I don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of this person! "

In the eyes of the white-haired young man, the ruthless sword intent was ups and downs, and he chopped off the depression and loneliness and returned to the ruthless state of mind.

As the emperor of the Jiuxiao Emperor Clan, how could he fall behind.

How can you be willing to be weaker than others?

"When I return to the Great World of Nine Heavens this time, I will re-enter one of the Middle Thousand Worlds to retreat, and I will never leave if I become an emperor!"

The white-haired youth has a cold voice, full of determination.

After speaking, the white-haired young man didn't stop, looked for a direction, avoided the two Qin Yi in the chaos, and flew outside the chaos.

"Can you really catch up?"

The young man in black sighed, his proud Dao Xin was almost crushed by this trip!

Compared with such a ruthless man who even dared to slaughter the Dao of Heaven, what are their so-called arrogances?


The black-clothed boy sighed again, turning around to leave Tianyao mainland.

He couldn't stay in this place!

The blow is too big!

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