Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1733: The temptation of Chengdi

For a creature in the Eastern Frontier, or for the creatures in the entire heavens and all realms, the Supreme Being is the most supreme being.

In charge of the laws of the heavens, mediate the world!

Every great emperor is the most supreme figure in a big clan.

What is the Great Emperor?

Push the Ten Thousand Realms Invincible, one person here is a big clan!

In the Eastern Frontier, there are a handful of people standing at the top.

Even if it is the dynasty of the heavens, an emperor is also a great figure, just like a dragon that lives in the nine heavens.

In the eyes of some beings, only stepping into the realm of the Great Emperor can be regarded as the stage for truly entering the world of the heavens.

Only the emperor is supreme can participate in some unimaginable battles, such as the ownership of the great world, the establishment of the imperial dynasty and so on.

One side of the secret world contains the secret of Emperor Cheng, and you can imagine how attractive it is to the creatures in the eastern boundary.

Every time that the so-called "Emperor Road" opens, it will be a **** storm, attracting countless Tianjiao monsters in the Eastern Frontier to fight for the opportunity.

"Eastern Frontier has stood for countless epochs, but there are more than one or two Tianjiao who have the qualifications to become emperors. Why are there less than a hundred great emperors in the East Frontier?

The accumulation of countless epochs has left behind the fallen and suspended emperors, and there should not be so many emperors in Eastern Xinjiang.

I am afraid that this so-called imperial road is the cause of all this. "

Qin Yi's eyes were far-reaching, as if he had seen the terrifying fight in it.

In every epoch in the Eastern Frontier, no fewer than a hundred tianjiao with the qualifications to become an emperor will be born. The accumulation of countless epochs is not a small number.

A great emperor has a lifespan of at least 100 million years, that is, an era. This is still the human emperor. If it is the emperor of other races, the lifespan will be even longer.

Let's talk about the life span of one or two epochs less, but the life span of seven or eight epochs!

Even if it is, if the human emperor has the heart to transform his body with a secret method, and baptize his body with the baptism of the heavens and beasts, it is not impossible to prolong his life!

But why are there fewer than a hundred emperors left in the Eastern Frontier in countless epochs?

It is because of the so-called "dilu".

"The Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, even if it is a help, has also ruined countless Tianjiao!"

Qin Yi sighed lightly.

Secret of Chengdi, what a temptation?

Even those Tianjiao who possessed the qualifications of becoming emperor did not dare to be sure that they could step into the emperor's supreme realm steadily.

At this time, an opportunity known as the provable emperor of seizure appeared in front of them, how could they not fight for it?

Life and death must be many!

For the great secret of Emperor Cheng, there are bound to be many fallen Tianjiao.

"Often the Emperor Road opens once, hundreds of Tianjiao enter, and very few Tianjiao can or walk out of the Emperor Road.

In that era, apart from the Tianjiao who captured Chengdi's Great Secret, there were only a few Tianjiao who survived.

How many great emperors can there be in the eastern frontier? "

In the memory of the Prince of the Beginning, he had a particularly clear understanding of the cruelty of Emperor Lu.

However, cognition belongs to cognition. How many people can refuse such temptation?

One path of practice is contention!

Strive for the first step, then step by step!

If one step falls behind others, then one step behind others.

How can this be tolerated by the arrogant people whose hearts are higher than the sky.

Knowing that Emperor Lu died for nine years, he was willing to step into the Emperor Road to compete for the illusory Secret of Emperor Cheng, so as to enter the Great Emperor.

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