Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1751: The prevailing power, the heavens surrender

Great world at the beginning.

World barriers.

The wind is cold, and the terrifying cold wave rages here.

And in this violent wind, there is a figure standing proudly, like the supreme **** stepping on the heavens.

The silver shirt morning star dress is fluttering, and the sky is so angry!

"Did you see clearly?"

Faint words, with a strong overbearing meaning.

And the person he asked was a man in a long-sleeved Confucian shirt who knelt down in front of him.

Zhao Tianhu's face was horrified, his heart was cold, and he still did not recover from the shock just now, his hands and feet were cold.

He did not expect that King Thunder could defeat the Lord Army Master with his own power, and he could defeat him without any resistance.

This is the main leader of the Guardian Army, the God of War!

Even if there is a gap between the quasi-emperor and the quasi-emperor, there should not be such a big gap, it is like the gap between the ancient sage of the peak and the quasi-emperor.

Do not.

It's bigger than this!

With a breath, he broke the master's fist strength, and the general master nearly died on the spot.

The gap in this is like a huge gap!

"His Royal Highness, Weichen..."

Facing Qin Yi's question, Zhao Tianhu didn't know how to answer.

If he surrendered to Qin Yi, it would mean that he had completely abandoned the Guardian Army and abandoned his current position together.

This is nothing, the key is that Qin Yi's power is too weak.

Even with the support of this invincible quasi-emperor, facing the fourth emperor and the thirteen emperor, it is still at a disadvantage.

Fighting for the throne, more than one quasi emperor can change the situation!

With His Majesty pressing on his head, the competition between several emperors, after all, is still competing with themselves and the forces that support them.

The fourth emperor and thirteen emperors are backed by the huge power of their mother clan, and the gap between them is not comparable to that of a quasi emperor.

‘No matter how strong this quasi-emperor is, it still doesn’t count as much in front of the Guardian Army! ’

Zhao Tianhu thought silently in his heart.

After recovering from the shock of the defeat of the army master, although he still lamented the power of the Thunder King, he was not optimistic about the prince.

No matter how strong a quasi-emperor is, it can't make up the power gap between the prince and the other two emperors, so it is the fourth emperor.

Although the uncle of the fourth emperor, the **** of war, was defeated by the Thunder King, the fourth emperor could still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Compared with the master of the army, the fourth emperor's biggest reliance is actually the entire guardian army!

Guardian Army.

The guardian army established by the Great Emperor Taichu had only a few hundred thousand people.

However, every guardian soldier, his cultivation is in the realm of saints, can be called mighty, can be called the most powerful legion of the early imperial dynasty.

One hundred thousand powerful, set up a battlefield.

Can cut the peak quasi emperor!

The Taichu emperor dynasty can stand in the east for tens of millions of years, but it is not just the Taichu emperor.

Not counted as the Great Emperor of the Beginning, there are still these invincible legions supporting the huge primordial dynasty and oppressing Eastern Xinjiang!

"Please forgive your Highness. Weichen is a member of the Guardian Army and died..."

Zhao Tianhu's thoughts flowed, and finally made up his mind and said.

At first, Zhao Tianhu looked solemn and his tone was awe-inspiring. People who didn't know thought he was a diehard loyal to the Guardian Army.

However, as he talked, Zhao Tianhu's face suddenly stiffened, and his words stopped abruptly!


A frightening breath suddenly pressed on Zhao Tianhu, and the vast breath was pressed down like a boundless force.

This breath is vast, its pregnancy is general, and everything is governed.

The general situation is in the body, the heavens are ministers!

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