Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1754: The resentment of the fourth emperor

"His Royal Highness, what should I do?"

Old Sage Tsing Yi asked respectfully.

He knew that with the temperament of his Highness, it was impossible to bear this tone.

as expected.

"What to do? My big brother has already taken action.

Of course I can't wait and die! "

The fourth emperor had a cold tone, gritted his teeth.

He could not bear this tone!

He wants to retaliate severely!

"His Royal Highness, do you want your subordinates to send someone secretly to get rid of the prince?"

Old Sage Tsing Yi whispered.


As soon as the voice fell, this ancient sage in Tsing Yi was shocked by a powerful breath.

"Are you stupid, or am I stupid?

Do it in the imperial capital, are you really blind as your father?

Besides, if we still had a chance before, now do you think there is still a chance, a quasi emperor, what would we kill?

Mobilize the protection army and kill it with great fanfare? "

The fourth emperor roared at the old sage of Tsing Yi, full of anger.

At this moment, he had already regretted why he didn't put his eldest brother in his heart before, and only cared about Xiao Shisan.

If his elder brother leaves the Taichu imperial dynasty, letting his uncle take action would be enough to kill this threat in the cradle!

Unfortunately, it is too late to say this.

"Your subordinates know what they are wrong, please express your highness what should they do!"

Tsing Yi Old Sage bowed his head and said.

He also knew that sending someone to assassinate at this moment was tantamount to wishful thinking.

He was just providing an excuse for his Highness to vent his anger. He knew his Highness very well. This was the best way to avoid anger.

"Take me to think about it!"

The fourth emperor's voice was gloomy, and his tone was full of aggrieved.

At this time, he felt very troublesome.

In the past, even if his eldest brother was on the waiting list for the emperor, he did not care so much. In his opinion, although his eldest brother had a certain talent, he was still not his opponent for the position of emperor in the early days.

How talented is it? Without the support of a strong mother, it is far less threatening than Xiao Shi!

No matter how talented it is, it will take at least thousands of years to break through the Emperor Zhun before it is possible. How can it be compared to Xiao Shisan who has the support of Gu Ling Dongtian?

However, now reality slapped him in the face mercilessly.

His eldest brother has no influence, but he has recruited a quasi emperor, and he can still overwhelm his uncle!

Even dare to **** his subordinates, is this hatred?

No way!

This matter, you can't just forget it!


The fourth emperor took a deep breath, calmed the anger in his heart, thinking about the countermeasures in the future.

However, he had to admit that with the support of an invincible quasi-emperor, many of his plans would fail to work.

Moreover, his elder brother still occupies the prince's righteousness!

This name made his plans even more scrupulous, and some plans could not be applied to them at all.

If he knew it a long time ago, he shouldn't worry about his father's thoughts, and send his uncle in advance to kill his eldest brother in the eastern frontier.

After all, the Eastern Frontier is so large that there are countless dangers, and even the emperor dare not say anything and can be invincible in the Eastern Frontier.

Not to mention, an ancient sage on the peak, where it died, is not without precedent, such as the second emperor, the sixth emperor!

"And that quasi emperor, who is not good enough to choose, why should I choose this great brother of mine!"

The fourth emperor hated the voice.

Even King Thunder also hated him. He hated the elder brother who didn't be loyal to him, but wanted to be loyal to him.

Obviously, he is countless times better than his big brother!

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