Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1762: The attic opens, Prince Pro

The small world in Qingyu Tower.

Qin Yi and others walked to the top of the mountain under the guidance of the waiter.

In a short while, he came to the most glorious attic.

Before Qin Yi entered the door, he could hear all kinds of noise coming from inside, as well as many Tianjiao's discussions.

"The Tianjiao Banquet held once in a thousand years is a grand event for me. This time, His Royal Highness the Fourth Emperor has even given out a quasi-emperor grade Tiandan as a reward.

I don't know, which Tianjiao will win the top spot of the Tianjiao Banquet this time? "

"This is not good. The Tianjiao present is the dragon and phoenix among the imperial dynasty. Anyone can win the top spot."

"Brother Lu, don't praise us anymore. Who doesn't know that you are at the top of the list and vowed to compete with the arrogant talents."

"Oh, what you said has broken me, I just broke through the realm of the ancient sage, how can I compare with those few Tianjiao?"

"Brother Lu, what you said hit us. It just broke through the ancient sage. Where are you waiting for me?"

"Hahaha, I said the wrong thing for my brother, three glasses of fine wine."

"That's right."

A group of Tianjiao talked and laughed, floating out from the attic.

Most of the strong people who participated in the Tianjiao Banquet were the attendees of the last Tianjiao Banquet. They knew each other and could talk to each other.

Someone raised a mouth, and the topic was brought to the prince.

"Have you heard that His Royal Highness is back, and he also brought back a quasi-emperor strong, and I don't know if it is true or not."

"It is said that the quasi emperor also defeated Dai Junzhu of the Guardian Army."

"Hey, if it is true, wouldn't this quasi emperor be able to rank among the top three in the imperial dynasty of the early days?"

"That's not right, with the support of this quasi-emperor, the prince's power is probably going to soar by several chips, and can even be equal to the two emperors!"

Some people know very well about the situation before.

As soon as this statement came out, all Tianjiao were a little dumbfounded.

For these Tianjiao, Zhundi is still an unattainable state, and it may even take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, to reach this state.

Not to mention, Dai Junzhu and others, who can dominate the quasi-emperor, are still great figures, and their parents have to look at each other.

That is to say, those who stand at the top of these arrogances can reach such big people.

"I'm afraid, the prince can't wait for that day."


"I know that the two princes have joined forces and are ready to attack the prince. Even this Tianjiao banquet also invited the prince. I wonder if the prince dare to come."

"Hi, the two emperors join hands, this..."

"If the prince knew about it, even if the emperor invited him, he would probably avoid this Tianjiao banquet!"

"You are too simple to think, even if you hide, can the prince avoid the first day of the first year, or the fifteenth?"

Talking about this, many Tianjiao are all awe-inspiring.

Most of the two emperor's methods have been learned.

No matter how much the prince hides, it is impossible to avoid all the means of the two princes. The two princes can completely force the prince and have to fight!

"I just don't know this Tianjiao banquet, dare the prince come?"

"If I were a dead person anyway, why not stand and die, Longtan is a tiger's lair, I have to make a break!"

"Brother Lu, that's you, and His Royal Highness is not such a person.

As far as I know, why did the prince leave the Taichu imperial dynasty hundreds of years ago, isn't it just to avoid the two emperors?

As early as hundreds of years ago, the prince had already lost. What I think is a joke when I look at the arrogance of the emperor's waiting list! "

A Tianjiao sneered.

"Shhh, no matter how you say it, it's your Royal Highness. It's better to say less."

Someone nearby advised.

"Why, so what about His Royal Highness, it's just a tortoise with a bowed head, why can't it be said?"

Said arrogantly that day.

At this time, the attic door opened.

Prince, Pro!

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