Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1778: The Trump Card of the Thirteen Emperors

"It's a pity that you are still not my opponent."

The thirteen emperor shook his head, as if a bamboo in his chest.

However, his words just fell.

"Not your opponent? Relying on the two quasi-emperors lurking in the dark?"

Qin Yi stood with his hands in his hands, said with a smile.


The Thirteenth Emperor's expression changed, and he was suddenly a little surprised.

"come out!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Yi's mouth, and his feet suddenly stamped.

The **** of chaos also raised his huge giant feet and stepped on it suddenly, the vast fluctuations like a sea of ​​stars, shaking the chaos.


The chaos within a radius of a million miles shuddered as he fell, and the space trembled and wailed.

A group of gods swayed in the storm.

In the void, the two figures were forced out by birth, embarrassed.

An old man wearing a green mysterious robe and carrying a long sword, his eyes opened and closed, and there seemed to be infinite sword intent overflowing.

A skinny old man enveloped in black demon energy, terrible power rolled in it as the demon energy rolled, and there were bursts of screams of ghosts crying and howling, filled with evil power!

As soon as these two elders appeared, there were extremely terrifying fluctuations, and they instantly swept across the square like a stormy wave, as if two ancient sacred mountains were pressed down.

There are two quasi emperors!

‘There are actually two quasi-emperors hidden here? ’

Many gods were shocked.

Except for the **** children of Soul Refining Demon Sect and Wuyuan Tower, who seemed to have expectations, the other **** children and **** children were a little confused.

Thirteen emperors, unexpectedly found two quasi emperors?

Isn't there only one quasi emperor who supports the thirteen emperors?

"This is... Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect, Sect Master of Wuyuanlou!"

The fourth emperor's eyes condensed.

He knew these two powerhouses, they were the powers of the Soul Refining Demon Sect and Wuyuan Tower who supported the thirteen emperors, and they were also some of the powerhouses in the imperial dynasty.

However, isn't it only the sect master of Wuyuanlou is Zhundi?

The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect also broke through the quasi emperor!

"Is this the 13th brother's trump card?"

The fourth emperor got a chill in his heart, and finally understood why the thirteenth emperor could sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and smiled to see him fighting with his eldest brother.

This is the confidence!

With the support of two quasi emperors, plus the forces supported by the thirteen emperors themselves, there is no fear of the quasi emperor recruited by the prince.

If it wasn't for the eldest brother to break through the quasi-emperor, I am afraid that the emperor in the early days is the thirteen emperor's son.

Do not!

Not much difference now.

He competed with his eldest brother and both lost and hurt. The eldest brother touched the rules set by his father and would inevitably be punished, and he might even be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the battle for the position of the emperor in the early days.

However, he was defeated by his elder brother, and his position in the imperial dynasty had plummeted, and he had basically fallen out of the early emperor's competition.

"Okay, great!"

The fourth emperor had a gray face and looked lonely.

It turned out that no matter whether he could clear the prince out of the game, he was already defeated and was played by the thirteen emperors.

It's ridiculous, not knowing it!

"How did you find us?"

After the two quasi emperors appeared, they were a little surprised, and the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon asked in a hoarse voice.

Although the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect broke through the quasi emperor newly promoted, he was extremely confident in his ability to hide his breath, and even the general veteran quasi emperor might not be able to spot it.

Sect Master Wuyuanlou needless to say, the old Zhundi's whereabouts are even more secretive!

How could Qin Yi find their tracks?

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