Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1784: The sword is out, who can stop


The divine sword was unsheathed from the waist, and the sword light volleyed.

Among the golden armored generals, thousands of swords light up, bursting from the divine swords in the hands of the gods, and shoot straight for nine days.

Jian Xiaoying envelops the sky, as if turned into a bright sword river!

The sword is out, who can stop?


Sect Master Wuyuanlou felt the overwhelming sword aura, his complexion changed, it was hard to see the extreme.

This sword intent is enough to compete with his sword intent, even stronger than his sword intent!


Before he could think about it, the two sword lights collided, tearing through the void in an instant, and countless roads were moaning and roaring.

If it weren't in chaos and turbulence, it would be enough to tear open the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and shatter a mid-thousand world to a thousand holes!

"Cut it again!"

Thousands of gods all let out a deep roar, and the countless golden sword lights suddenly condensed, converging into a golden sword.

Cut off in time!

Sweeping all wastes with the sword, looking at nine days!

The bright edge, even if it is separated by thousands of Chaos Dao, beyond hundreds of millions of miles, the gods are shocked.

The escaping edge can also blow up the feathers of the gods!

If they face this sword, there is only one end, that is, they die tragically under this sword, **** and chaotic.

Even if there are thousands of them, the final result is the same.

The guerrillas are scattered and brave, and the soldiers of the legion, under the same cultivation base and the same number, must be the son of God!

Even if there are many **** sons, they are hailed as **** sons in their respective forces, and they are the arrogant gods who are sought after by thousands of people.

"Damn it, Jian Wu Yuan, fight to the heavens!"

Sect Master Wuyuanlou roared, his sword turned forcibly, his mana was violent, and the long hair draped on his shoulders rose without wind.

Immediately, Sect Master Wuyuanlou suddenly stepped on, and forcibly cut out the most powerful sword in his life.

In an instant, countless horrible sword lights fell in the void, like a waterfall of hundreds of millions of gods, shining forever!

At that moment, it seemed that the entire chaos was torn apart.

Step into the sky, pierce the void, and cut the world with the sword!


In the most terrifying light, a sky-shaking confrontation is being staged.

The scattered sword light pierced countless spaces and even wiped out several gods on the spot easily!

The expressions of many gods changed again, withdrew and then withdrew tens of thousands of miles, this way they could avoid the terrible aftermath of the collision.

"The supernatural power of the prince is truly extraordinary. The condensed thousand ancient sages are not in vain. Every combat power can compete with the real ancient sage!"

"However, I have read countless ancient books, and I have impressions of the magical powers created by most emperors with names and surnames since the beginning of the Eastern Xinjiang.

Unfortunately, there is no impression of this magical power. "

"The history of Eastern Xinjiang is so long. If you haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean there is no.

Perhaps, the inheritance of the emperor in the ancient times is not known. "

In the void, the spirit of the powerhouses also felt a little frightened by the magical power of throwing beans into soldiers.

With this magical power in hand, the prince could not regard it as an ordinary quasi emperor, and the general veteran quasi emperor had to lower one end.

"Perhaps, the prince can be on the top ten of the emperor's alternate list after this war?"

"I can't stop it, at least I can get into the top five."

"It should be no worse than the top ten, the top five, or even the first, so don't think about it.

The evildoers on the waiting list of the great emperors cannot be measured by common sense. Although the prince is strong now, he has not yet reached that level. "

The strong talked.

And just when the strong people were talking, a ray of devilish energy passed through the sword intent and moved towards Qin Yi!

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