Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1796: I am the emperor, wait for you

Under the shining of countless stars, Qin Yi stood with his hand in his hand, like the supreme **** king who suppressed the invincible heavens and ten thousand realms, horizontally and horizontally nine heavens and ten earths, indifferent to the world.

The next moment, he suddenly spoke:

"I am the emperor, will you wait for it?"

The huge divine voice shook the chaos, and the eight simple and concise words fell into the ears of everyone clearly, like a thunder.

The prince wants to pass the emperor and ascend to the throne of God!

With the general trend of killing the soul refinement demon sect master, the prince wanted to forcibly put an end to the controversy.


Everyone opened their mouths, trying to refute the Prince's words.

However, when the words came to the lips, they swallowed again.

Judging from the current situation, the prince has shown extremely high qualifications to become an emperor, even comparable to the top three Tianjiao on the emperor's alternate list.

It can be said that as long as the prince does not fall, the chance of becoming an emperor is not a certainty, and that is also true!

The top three candidates of the great emperors in the past, as long as they do not fall, they can basically break through the great emperors and become the supreme in the eastern border.

The only difference is that some Tianjiao won the Great Secret of Chengdi and broke through the Great Emperor.

And some Tianjiao practiced hard in retreat, relying on years of polishing, breaking through the supreme.

The prince has such qualifications, and the possibility of breaking through the emperor is very high.

This also means that the emperor is very likely to make the prince the emperor, or that he will definitely make the prince the emperor!

At this time, do they dare to stop the prince?

Even if the prince cannot become the emperor in the end, when he breaks through the emperor, it will be no different from becoming the emperor!

After all, everything is strength first.

No one is not worried. If they stop the prince, they will be hated by the prince, which is more than the gain.

"Prince wish?"

A crowd of powerful men rushed to look at the highest-ranking old man with a white head and white beard.

This old man was the veteran who established the imperial dynasty following the great emperor's battle in the great world.

In terms of strength, it is also one of the best in the field.

This Prince Zhu kept his mouth shut, watching his nose and his heart, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Old fox!

The strong people cursed secretly, the attitude of this prince Zhu was very clear.

To be honest, Prince Zhu’s expression of his position has no effect on him. No matter what the prince’s behavior is, it will not affect Prince Zhu. Because of his achievements, the emperor will not necessarily blame it.

But they are different. If the emperor knew that they saw that the prince dared to cross the emperor and proclaim themselves the emperor, it would be a great sin!

One side is offending the prince, and the other side is the punishment of the emperor.

Therefore, many strong people will hesitate like this.

"My colleagues, don't worry too much about this matter.

It's not my turn to wait and see for you. "

In the end, it was the way of wishing the prince to have something to say.

Everyone's eyes condensed, as if thinking of something, then they smiled.

Many strong men of the early imperial dynasty were unwilling to intervene, but it did not mean that the fourth emperor and the thirteen emperors could sit still.

"Brother, are you going to get past the father and proclaim yourself the emperor?

You know, this action not only violated the laws of the imperial dynasty, but also violated the will of the emperor. This is a big deal! "

The fourth emperor roared.

He was questioning Qin Yi, who threatened Qin Yi with the will of the Great Emperor in the early days.

He must break the situation led by his elder brother, otherwise, in the end, he will really lose and lose the qualification to fight for the emperor.

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