Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1798: The Great Emperor Appears

"You go beyond the laws of the beginning and violate the will of the emperor, even if you are stronger than me?

You first disturb the order of Tianjiao's feast, this is sin one.

You kill the minister of humerus of the imperial dynasty, this is the second crime.

You proclaim yourself an emperor and ignore your father’s will. This is the third sin.

Several big crimes are punished together, don't you think that your father will not blame you for this? "

The fourth emperor scolded.

"Oh? What's wrong with me?"

Qin Yi was unmoved, his expression indifferent.

"The Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect wants to kill people and win treasures, but the prince will kill them, why not?"

Qin Yi said casually.

"As for saying that this prince disturbed the order of Tianjiao Banquet, this is even more nonsense, do you think so?"

As he said, Qin Yi's deep eyes fell on the many gods on the side.


"His Royal Highness is right!"

"It is nonsense to say that the Prince Palace disrupts the order of the Tianjiao Banquet."

Xia Xuanlong and the two were the first to make peace.

Under Qin Yi's gaze, many of the gods also trembled, and quickly smiled.

If it is this time, if these gods cannot see the situation clearly, they will be the arrogance of the major forces.

Even if someone is not angry, they can only hide in their hearts.

"you guys!"

The thirteen emperors and two were trembling with anger.

This group of cluttered grass!

Really unreliable!

"Don't be proud, Father Father won't just sit back and watch!"

The fourth emperor roared. At this time, the two of them only had their own father and emperor.


Just as the fourth emperor's voice just fell, a breath just rose from the depths of the great world at the beginning.

The tyrannical aura pierced through the void in an instant, shaking the entire Taichu world, spreading out the endless divine light, as if to illuminate the entire chaos.

The vast divine might shook the chaos, and the overwhelming coercion caused all the creatures in the great world of the early days to kneel to the ground involuntarily!

Thousands of Rui Cai, fairy light circulating, a tall and majestic figure, gradually condensed in the chaos, like a **** descending into the world.

This is a supreme existence that disregards ancient and modern times and is invincible in all realms!

"We will see the emperor!"

Everyone at the scene immediately recognized the person, and immediately kowtow to the ground.

This figure is the master of the Taichu Dynasty, the Great Emperor!

The eyes of the fourth emperor lit up, as if seeing a savior.

The emperor father is here, and the emperor father must be here to make the decision for the two of them!

Brother, no matter how much you tell the truth, it is impossible to hide from your father!

"Also ask the emperor to call the shots, the eldest brother violated the law of the beginning and ignored your will.

Not only disturbed the order of Tianjiao Banquet, but also tried to proclaim himself an emperor and asked the emperor to punish him! "

The fourth emperor said with grief and anger, and he couldn't wait to say, with undisguised resentment in his words.

Although the thirteenth emperor didn't speak, he gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Yi.

However, the great emperor in the early days only glanced at the two of them, making the hearts of the two emperors cold, as if being poured on their heads by a basin of cold water, from head to heel.

They actually read from the eyes of the father, the meaning of hating iron for not making steel.

The next moment, the words of the Great Emperor Taichu made the two emperors fall into a cold prison.

"This matter will stop here, you two don't have to say much, besides, you two will go to the Nine Flames Secret Realm for a hundred years.

Playing with authority, but not being enterprising, what use is the position of the emperor? "

As soon as this sentence came out, the two emperors looked pale.

The meaning of the great emperor in the early days is obvious, he is partial to the prince!

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