Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1867: Participate in Young Patriarch, how good is it

Outside the attic.

In the anxiety of Pavilion Master Sun, Chu Baiyu walked slowly with several elite disciples of Shanwai Pavilion.

These are the most elite disciples and the strongest disciples in the Shanwai Pavilion, except for Fairy Mu Xue, each of them has a cultivation base of more than nine layers of feathering.

He is one of his most proud disciples!

He had asked these disciples and the half-sage elders of the Shanwai Pavilion to guard the Shanwai Pavilion under the leadership of Chu Baiyu.

‘Why did they get here? ’

Pavilion Master Sun was uneasy.

From these disciples, he felt a strong smell of blood.

Before coming here, they had just experienced a killing!

"Bai Yu, what is going on?"

Pavilion Master Sun asked quickly.

He left the Shanwai Pavilion on the front foot, why did something happen to the Shanwai Pavilion on the back foot?

Could it be that those two old ghosts took care of their faces and shot the disciples in the cabinet?

However, he did not feel that the formation of the Shanwai Pavilion was activated. Even the two old ghosts, the formation of the Shanwai Pavilion, plus many half-holy elders, could hold on for a quarter of an hour, enough for him to return Mountain Waige.

Moreover, on the top floor of this attic, the breath of the two old ghosts is indeed there.

What happened then?


However, Chu Baiyu was holding a folding fan, and without even looking at Pavilion Master Sun, he walked past Pavilion Master Sun indifferently.

This look is like a farewell to Pavilion Master Sun before he left the Shanwai Pavilion.

"Bai Yu..."

Sun Ge advocated opening his mouth and reached out to hold Chu Baiyu.

Unexpectedly, Chu Baiyu shook his body and avoided his palm directly.

At this time, Chu Yao also smiled slightly and came to Chu Baiyu, bowed and bowed: "Participate in the Young Patriarch!"

"See Young Patriarch!"

In the pale face of Pavilion Master Sun, Fu Xiao and several Shanwai Pavilion disciples also leaned over to salute.

"You, you..."

Pavilion Master Sun trembling his right hand, pointed at Fu Xiao and others.

"Big brother, you are fake, right?"

Fairy Mu Xue also opened her eyes wide, like falling into an ice cellar.

If Chu Baiyu and others betrayed the Shanwai Pavilion, then the Shanwai Pavilion would really be over!


The corner of Chu Yao's mouth made a mocking smile and waved.

From among the guests, a number of Chu family disciples walked out and bowed to Chu Baiyu; "Meet the Young Patriarch, and wish the Young Patriarch enter the realm of power soon."

"Pavilion Master Sun, this is the good show that the ancestor prepared for you, how about it?"

Chu Yao said jokingly.

At the same time, Chu Baiyu also turned around, looking at the two pavilion masters indifferently, the indifferent appearance made the pavilion master sun feel so strange!

"Master, oh no, Pavilion Master Sun, don't you understand, the Shanwai Pavilion is over.

Except for the disciples and elders who returned to my Chu family, the rest were all dead. I killed them by myself and died on the mountain's outer pavilion! "

Chu Baiyu opened the folding fan in his hand with a ‘pop’, and the fan painting on it had changed without knowing when.

It is no longer the graceful woman, but a scene of bloodshed!

That is a mountain, a mountain stained with countless blood!

Pavilion Master Sun recognized at a glance that it was Shanwai Pavilion!


Pavilion Master Sun's eyes were bloodshot and he pointed at Chu Baiyu and shouted.

He couldn't think of it. He had counted everything. With Chu Baiyu and many half-sage elders sitting in the town, the Shanwai Pavilion should be as stable as Mount Tai. If you can use Qin Yi's power to tide over the immediate difficulties, the Shanwai Pavilion can stand up again in Tianshui City. in.

Unexpectedly, it was not someone else who destroyed the Shanwai Pavilion in the end, but his direct disciple!

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