Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1894: Physical peak


A dull roar sounded like Hong Zhong Dalyu in the carriage!

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Yi's long silver hair was unfolded in a cloud bun, and his shoulders were scattered like a waterfall. His skin was white, as bright as amber, and even burst into light.

This is the characteristic of the flesh being hammered to the extreme without a trace of impurities.


Listening carefully, you can hear the sound of Qi and blood flowing in Qin Yi's body, and the surging power is rolling in his limbs, nourishing his body and soul!

Among the white jade-like bones, a drop of golden blood flowed out, and it ran through various orifice points, communicating with the gods in the orifice points, connecting the flesh and forming a terrible blood dragon!


There was a roar, like a dragon roaring.

The bright golden light covered the light inside the carriage, and a golden Buddha was manifested in the golden light, reciting the scriptures together, uttering Taoism.

Dao sound roars, golden body is like a god!

If Wang Zhantian, who Qin Yi had defeated, was here, he would be terribly shocked.

Even if Qin Yi's physical body is not as good as his at this moment, it is not far away. It has reached a level comparable to that of the ancient sage at the peak. With a breath and a breath, waves of folds can be raised in the space. This is the ultimate physical strength. which performed.

Power can be a short way.

One force can break all laws!

When a cultivator's physical body reaches an extreme, it is enough to ignore most martial arts and supernatural powers, and it can be broken with one force!

For example, in the clans of the gods and beasts, why can the clans of the gods and monkeys give birth to tearing rocs and power the real dragon?

This is because the clans of the gods and monkeys of the chaotic sky, with pure strength, plus the advantages of being a clan of the gods and beasts, can run wild in the heavens and all realms.

"Finally, hammer the physical body to the top of the peak divine body realm!"

Qin Yi slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were as deep as an abyss, and a faint silver light and a deep golden light merged under his eyes, intertwined into a vision like Tai Chi.

Next, if you continue to hammer and forge the flesh, you can push the flesh to the quasi-emperor realm, and then the extreme realm of the flesh!

"If you spend another imperial product or a few ancient quasi-emperor drugs, with the power of the indestructible golden body, you can push this body to the realm of quasi-emperor.

As for the extreme physical body, there is no need for extravagance for the time being. "

Qin Yi murmured.

In his opinion, the main task of this clone is to break through the realm of the emperor as soon as possible.

The promotion of this physical body to the realm of quasi-emperor was just to increase the combat power of the clone so as to capture the secret of becoming emperor.

The extreme realm of the physical body is not what Qin Yi is pursuing. Not to mention that it consumes a lot of resources, it will also consume a lot of time for this clone to practice, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"There are gains and losses. The physical body can improve so quickly in two years, but it consumes the origin of the illusion world, and it is necessary to complete this illusion world as soon as possible."

Qin Yi spread out his palm.

The skin is as delicate as a baby, and the pores on it are almost closed. A silver light circulates between the palms. In the silver light, there seems to be a square world floating in it.

Originally, the illusory world of the Nine Sides was comparable to the Little Thousand Worlds, without one side, it could no longer be merged into the One Thousand Worlds.

It was Qin Yi who consumed a large amount of the origin of the illusory world that was able to push the immortal golden body to the realm comparable to the peak ancient sage so quickly.

One increase and one decrease, Qin Yi's combat power can't be said to have improved much, but rather regressed!

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