Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1902: Fairy Miaoyao

The towering mountains.

A man and a woman accompanied each other, and the girl's three thousand green silks were coiled up by the butterfly hairpin, and her eyebrows were swept away. There was no powder on her face, but she had a thrilling charm.

The man is about twenty years old, with bright silver hair and his pupils turned into a faint silver.

Not on the extremely wide mountain road, some pedestrians in the past couldn't help but look at them, especially the girl.

But the appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old, but born a look of disaster to the country and the people.


The girl's face was reluctant, she bit her red lips lightly.


However, before she finished speaking, a big hand suddenly reached between the girl's forehead and flicked her finger.


The girl was in pain, covering her forehead, showing a look of weeping.

With this appearance, the passers-by who was peeking at the two of them from the side, suddenly became angry, such a beautiful woman did not hold it in the palm of his hand, this man actually let this beautiful woman be bullied like this?

Qin Yi didn't care about the thoughts of passers-by, squinting at the fairy Miaoyao who was about to cry: "Little Nizi, from today, you will be the bed-warming maid of the deity for the next eight years. You should call the deity Lord.

Did you hear that? "

The girl bit her teeth and felt extremely depressed.

However, I had to lower my head: "Yes, Lord."

Bah, **** guy, don't let this fairy find a chance, I must make you look good!

The girl's crystal-clear eyes turned steadily, not knowing what horrible idea she was making.

How could the goddess of the dignified refining door obediently accept her fate?

"Also, put away your little tricks, this deity has no time to mess around with your little girl, and the next time, I won't blame the deity for being polite!"

Qin Yi glanced at Fairy Miaoyao, and Fairy Miaoyao could not help but tremble when she met these deep eyes.

This indifferent gaze made Fairy Miao Yao understand that if she angered Qin Yi again, Qin Yi would really dare to kill her, and would not care about the refining gate behind her.

It wasn't until Qin Yi withdrew his gaze that Fairy Miao Yao was forgiven.

"Yes, Lord."

For a while, Fairy Miao Yao became a lot better.

Although the girl's heart was extremely depressed, she didn't dare to slander it anymore. If she was seen by this guy, she wouldn't have to teach her a lesson. This guy didn't have any thoughts of pitying Yuyu.

The two walked for a while, and the strange girl couldn't help it again.

"Master, are you from the outside world?"

The girl asked carefully.

Qin Yi stagnated, and looked at the girl with a smile, and she was shocked again. Wouldn't this guy beat her again?


After a long while, Qin Yi spoke.

"Then the outside world is full of treasures, if you walk around at will, you can find an incredible treasure?"

With Qin Yi's affirmation, the girl suddenly became interested, and even Qin Yi was not afraid for a while.

"I heard from my master that there are countless arrogances in the outside world. There are creatures born from flames and thunder, and there are also many powerful animal races, such as the Divine Phoenix family and the Golden Winged Dapeng family."

The girl was twittering.

"I heard from Master that these races are uniquely endowed and born extraordinary. They can enter the realm of the emperor as long as they grow up. Lord, have you seen these races?"

The girl blinked her big eyes and looked at Qin Yi hopefully.

"Uh, no."

Qin Yi denied.

He didn't lie either, he really hadn't seen the members of these strong monsters.

Except for his deity who is regarded as a member of the true dragon clan, and his own pet, Xiao Chi, he has never seen the Divine Phoenix clan and the Golden Wing Dapeng clan among the girls.

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