Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1918: Quasi-imperial weapon, hanging jade tower

Not to mention everyone's thoughts, the battle on the sky is still going on.


Bathed in silver flames, Qin Yi is like an invincible deity, driving a chariot, galloping in the long river of purple air.

Wherever he went, the stars fell and the purple gas annihilated.

The terrifying boxing power raged in the purple river, and stars collapsed every moment.

"Junior, dare you?"

The master of the purple river is eager to split.

His long sleeves swayed, and the long purple heart behind him moved at will, blooming with endless brilliance, wrapping Qin Yi in it.

Hundreds or thousands of stars moved all together and smashed towards Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was not afraid, and with his great fist strength, he broke through the stars, unparalleled in the long river of tens of thousands of stars.

The stars shattered and lost their original luster.

"Ah, **** junior!"

The master of Zihe roared wildly, pinched the magic tactics in his hand, performed various secret techniques, and manipulated the river of purple energy.

The purple river rumblingly moved, and suddenly fell down.


Qin Yi just maintained the momentum of forward, and hit the master of Zihe, no matter how many stars fell, there was no way for Qin Yi.

"Flashy power!"

A touch of disdain flashed in Qin Yi's eyes.

This long river of purple energy looked terrifying, but in fact it did not pose a threat to him.

It's not that the person on the purple river is not strong enough, this long river of purple energy contains tens of thousands of stars, or tens of thousands of powerful mana.

This kind of power cannot be said to be not terrifying, and most people are not opponents.

But the bad thing is that this power is too terrifying, the person on Zihe has not grasped it, and cannot reach the point of being like an arm.

Master Zihe is also in the realm of a quasi-emperor, how can he master such a powerful force.

Tens of thousands of stars smashed down, and the power contained in them was comparable to a single blow from the emperor, which could destroy the world.

It's a pity that the Master of the Purple River will manipulate hundreds or even thousands of stars into one at most, how can Qin Yi help?

Of course, this force is already strong enough, and the general quasi-emperor is not necessarily an opponent.

However, I met Qin Yi.




Stars are annihilated, and the master of Zihe is angry.

A star bucket represents the mana he has cultivated for hundreds of years, comparable to the mana of a powerful whole body. At this moment, he is destroyed, and the hearts of the people on Zihe are bleeding.

In just a while, hundreds of stars were blown by Qin Yi.

This means that it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years of painstaking practice by Master Zihe to make up for this loss.

"Tian Luo, take action, kill this kid to the town to show the majesty of my Hanging Mountain!"

The man on Zihe roared.


Master Tianluo sighed softly, as if lamenting for Qin Yi's ignorance.

"Boy, you insist on doing anything wrong, and I have to take action to kill you here, with the prestige of hanging in the air."

With that, Master Tianluo took a step forward.


Behind him, a radiant splendor suddenly rose from the ground.

All kinds of Dao patterns are intertwined, the light is shining, and it is very stunning.

Divinely like a sea, a nine-fold jade tower rises and falls in the mana, blooming with terrifying power, and escaping huge fluctuations.

The entire jade pagoda has nine layers, and each layer is composed of jade of different materials, shining with nine different radiances.

"This is the hanging jade tower of Xuankong Mountain!"

Someone recognized this jade pagoda and couldn't help shouting.

Hanging Jade Tower!

The treasure of Zhenzong in Xuankong Mountain, a war weapon of quasi-emperor rank.

The treasure of several quasi emperors in the town!

At that moment, the Jade Pagoda was in the sky, and Zihe rolled, pointing straight at Qin Yi.

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