Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1925: Purified soul refining demon stone, won the trump card

Yunyan Pavilion.

In a quiet room.

Qin Yi sat cross-legged, his retreat was not to heal his injuries, but to purify the soul refining demon stone.

Three million killing points have been obtained.

You can add a hole card to this clone that can turn everything around. How can he sit still?


A simple stone was held by Qin Yi in his hand.

The gloomy, cold breath escaped from the stone, and a stern wailing sound came from the stone, just like the whispers of the Nine Nether Demon God.

It is the soul refining demon stone.

The soul-refining demon stone, which is the origin of the heavenly path, was reduced to a magic stone because it was contaminated with the nether aura, and the treasure was covered in dust.

His true identity was not discovered until he fell into Qin Yi's hands.

And now, the origin of the Heavenly Dao will be restored to its original appearance.

"System, purify the ghostly aura on the soul refining demon stone."

Qin Yi directly ordered in his heart.

"Ding! Purify the soul refining demon stone..."

The voice of the system rang in my heart.


The next moment, Qin Yi's eyebrows, a bright golden light shot out, directly at the soul refining demon stone.

In an instant, this golden light seemed to turn into a cloud of auspicious clouds, enveloping the soul refining demon stone, and the golden glow penetrated into the soul refining demon stone little by little.


The demon **** in the soul refining demon stone kept roaring and let out a sharp roar.

The ghostly aura on the soul refining demon stone seemed to feel the crisis, fiercely resisting the golden light, which was the power of the system.

In the beginning, the Nether Breath could compete with the power of the system.

However, the nether breath is water without Ping, how can it resist the power from the system?


The ghostly aura on the soul refining demon stone faded a little bit.

The splendid golden light gradually took the lead, and the soul-refining demon stone slowly recovered its original color and luster, and a group of extremely sacred auras spread from the soul-refining demon stone.

The essence of power contained in it is much higher than the original power in the emperor's body!

Filled with this eternal and eternal sacred breath, this is the origin of heaven!

"Ding! The purification and refining of the demon stone is completed, which costs 3 million killing points."

Along with the system's voice, the soul refining demon stone also revealed its original features.

A milky white stone exuding a vast sacred atmosphere.

This is a kind of treasure formed by the collapse of the Thousand Worlds in one side and the fall of the Heavenly Dao, and most of the Heavenly Dao origins are condensed.

If this thing falls into the hands of an emperor, and directly extracts the power from it, it can completely allow an emperor to break through a great realm!

Of course, this is the most wasteful usage.

If the emperor knows how to use it, he can fully integrate the essence of the heavenly path into his own original world, which can greatly enhance the foundation of the original world!

These have nothing to do with Qin Yi.

Neither the deity nor this clone has yet to break through the emperor.

For the general quasi-emperor, the origin of the heavenly path can only be used to comprehend the original law.

But for Qin Yi, this thing has another use.

Serving as the source of power for a ‘thing’, Qin Yi also has an extra powerful trump card!

"With this thing, to seize the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, you can't use Erlang Shen Yang Jian's limited time summoning opportunity!"

Qin Yi whispered, a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

I don't know.

Who will be the whetstone of my trump card?

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