Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1930: Conversation with Lianqing Sword Master

Yunyan Pavilion.

In an atmospheric courtyard.

In front of the stone table, Qin Yi poured and drank, tasting the fragrant tea from the grandson of the Shanwai Pavilion.

In front of him, there was a beautiful woman sitting with a divine sword on her waist, with fierce sword intent lingering all over her body.

Qin Yi faintly glanced at Fairy Miao Yao, who was standing behind the woman, and couldn't help but smile.

This woman is the master of the swordsman of Fairy Miao Yao.

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was able to get a panoramic view of the cultivation base of the Sword Master.

This Sword Venerable Refining Emotion was extremely restrained in his body, and if there was nothing, it was clearly seen by Qin Yi, which was the cultivation level of the peak realm of Emperor Zhun.

"The sword's intent is condensed, it has reached the perfect state, and it is ranked eleventh, but it is a bit wronged for this sword master."

Qin Yi's faint comment.

The deity also practices kendo, so he is extremely sensitive to the realm of kendo.

This Sword Master's kendo cultivation base has already touched the extreme realm of kendo, and is only a step away from the extreme realm of kendo.

In terms of combat power, this Sword Sovereign Refining Love is enough to rank in the top ten or even the top five of the quasi-emperor in the emperor world!


Lianqing Jianzun's eyes lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fairy Miaoyao stood dry behind Jianzun Lianqing, his whole person was like Shuang beaten eggplant, there was no energy.

"His Royal Highness, these days, the girl Miao Yao has caused you a lot of trouble. I am here to thank you on behalf of this girl. I owe you a favor from the sect."

Qiongbo, the refining sword sovereign, circulates, lightly opens his red lips.

"This girl is extremely congenial to the deity, and the deity takes care of this girl with nothing more than a hand."

Qin Yi smiled lightly and didn't take credit.

This girl is also a lucky star.

He attracted three quasi-emperors and gained 3 million killing points.

He can purify the soul refining demon stone so quickly and improve his own strength.

‘Join? ’

Fairy Miaoyao stared slightly.

This fairy won't fall in love with you.

It is obvious that this fairy is too unlucky, accidentally ran into the hand of this bad guy, this bad guy wants her to be a bed warmer!

"Miao Yao, this girl is the goddess of the Lianqing Sect, the future Sect Master, your Royal Highness saved her life, I will definitely remember the Lianqing Sect in my heart, but..."

Lianqing Jianzun's tone was calm, his face solemn.

Qin Yi interrupted Qin Yi's words before Lianqing Jianzun finished.

"If the Sword Master wants to talk about the bed-warming maid, you don't have to worry about it. The deity just mentions it casually, just a joke."

Qin Yi said casually.

The so-called bed warmer, he was just a small punishment for Fairy Miao Yao.

Lian Qing Jian Zun came to the door to intercede for Fairy Miao Yao, and he naturally agreed to follow the boat.


To be precise, get rid of this drag oil bottle.

Emperor Road is about to open, how dangerous is Cheng Emperor's killing, how could he bring such a drag oil bottle?

"His Royal Highness, the restriction set in this girl's body?"

Lianqing Jianzun hesitated for a moment.

This is what she really cares about. She once heard Fairy Miaoyao say that Qin Yi set a restriction in her body.

She explored Fairy Miao Yao with magic power, but she never found any restriction.

"Sword Master, don't worry, the deity didn't set any restrictions on this girl."

Qin Yi was dumb.

The so-called prohibition was just a joke.

How could he set any restrictions on this girl, that is, to scare that girl.

A little girl in the realm of saints, why should he set a ban?

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