Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1932: God son and quasi emperor gather

Step on the Emperor Mountain.

Located in the most central area of ​​the Emperor Luo Tianyu.

This place was originally shrouded in chaotic air all year round, and was shrouded in large arrays.

This is where Dilu is!


The void trembles, the boundless divine light shines in all directions, and a bright beam of light rushes into the sky.

Among them, it seems that there is a vast world hidden in it, which will soon be exposed to everyone!

"Emperor Road is about to open!"

At this moment, the many Tianjiao waiting in front of Dilu opened their eyes together.

All kinds of divine light soared up, shaking the sun and the moon!

In the void of the tens of thousands of miles around the Taidi Mountain, the vitality is boiling like a sea, and all kinds of auras fill the world, like a descendant of a god, descendant of an immortal, descending here.

If it weren't for the many emperors who had been stepped on the emperor realm here, they would lay down the emperor formation to suppress the void.

I am afraid that this place has long been shattered by the aura of these strong men!

You must know that everyone here has a cultivation base above the pinnacle ancient sage realm, a stomping can cause a lot of tremors in the heavens and the sea!

And there are at least hundreds or thousands of such big people here!

"Di Luo Pavilion God Child, Wild Ancient God Child, Li Hua God Child, Xuanyang Sword Sovereign, Misty Goddess...This is among the top five existences of the quasi-emperor.

The top five talents of this generation are all gathered here! "

There are strong people stepping on the emperor world with emotion.

These few, each one is the most powerful person in the realm of stepping the emperor, only under your majesty, overlooking all living beings!

"Not only them, some old monsters who have not been on the quasi-emperor list are also out.

Moreover, there are many strong people in the outside world that are comparable to these, and there are even more strong people at this level! "

A strong man from Yunyan Pavilion showed fear on his face.

As the elder under Yunyan Pavilion, he knows best how powerful the strong men who participated in the battle for the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor are.

It is precisely because of being clear that he will feel more alarmed!

There are too many strong ones!

"Compared with the last time in the battle for the emperor road, there were not even half of the strong people gathered this time!

This will be a **** killing. I wonder how many strong people will survive? "

Elder Yunyan Pavilion sighed lightly.

Every time the emperor road opens, hundreds of quasi emperors gather, and only one strong can obtain the secret of becoming emperor. In addition, there are only a few or even dozens of them who can survive.

The remaining strong, all fall!


When everyone's thoughts were different, the bright divine light gradually dissipated.

A huge portal covering the sky and sun slowly emerged from the divine light, standing on Mount Taidi!


The moment this portal emerged, a vast and mighty breath fell from the portal, shaking the emperor world!

The emptiness in a radius of thousands of miles uttered a thunderous roar under this breath, as if it could not bear the terrible breath on this portal.

Everyone present felt a mighty coercion, and if the sky was pressed down, the sacred mountain fell!

Even though everyone present, everyone is the arrogant of all forces, they couldn't help but change their colors.

In this coercion, there is a breath of emperor!

Instantly blasted the whole world of stepping on the emperor, countless creatures crawling on the ground, feeling the shock from the soul.


Over the world, all beings bow their heads!

Even if it is just a breath of emperor, it is not the existence below the ancient sage realm that can resist, only in this reality, kneeling on the ground, unable to rise up resistance.

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