Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1937: Bloodthirsty for a living, towering magic tree


The yin wind screamed, incomparable.

A road that doesn't know how many miles is long, winding and winding, until it reaches an unpredictable area.

Qin Yi stood on the road, eyes flashing.


The vast divine thoughts spread out like mercury pouring out of the ground in an instant, covering the surroundings.

However, there was still no trace of the remaining creatures, even if it was thousands of miles away, there was no trace of a creature.

At this moment, Qin Yi frowned tightly.


Qin Yi suddenly took a step forward and embarked on this so-called imperial road.


In an instant, a mighty will came to Qin Yi's mind.

"Emperor Road has nine layers, one layer and one realm. This is the first layer of Emperor Road. This time, the first layer of heaven has opened a total of 461 worlds. In each world, there are two creatures participating in the battle for the Great Secret of the Emperor."

‘The four hundred and sixty-one worlds means that this time there are a total of 922 creatures participating in the battle for the emperor’s road. ’

Qin Yi was silent.

This number represents 922 ancient sages of the peak, and even the emperor!

If this force gathers together, as long as they don't touch the gods, they can run wild in the Eastern Frontier!

Even the average emperor is not necessarily the opponent of the 922 ancient sages and quasi emperors.

That great will, continued: "There is a monster of the Nine Nether Abyss in each world. If you can survive in one world for a year and kill or defeat the creatures in the same world, you can step on it. Enter the next heaven.

The Great Secret of Chengdi is on the Nine Heavens! "


Qin Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

He finally knew why every time the emperor road was opened, whether it was the creatures of the Eastern Frontier realm or the creatures who stepped on the emperor realm, only a few, and at most a dozen creatures, could survive.

This is the reason!

Only by killing or defeating the creatures in the same world can you enter the next heaven!

Every creature that enters the road of the emperor, whether it is a arrogant son of a god, or a quasi emperor who is about to age, comes for the great secret of Emperor Cheng.

Who is willing to give up?

Who is willing to admit defeat?

I am afraid that if a small number of people are removed, who will admit defeat?

Everyone is in the middle of the road, who doesn't want to give it a try?

For some powerful beings, it is clear at a glance which one should be chosen to kill or defeat.

"It's like raising Gu. With the help of a heavy fight, choosing the most elite one can obtain the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng. This is the so-called invincible spirit in the rumors!"

Qin Yi sighed lightly.

You have killed the Emperor Road, how can you not develop the so-called invincible spirit?

"Not to mention, in this heavy emperor road, there is also the race of the Nine Nether Abyss."

Qin Yi set his eyes on the strange trees on both sides of the road.

He could perceive a deep breath of life hidden in these trees.

These "trees" are all alive, which are the so-called creatures of the Nine Nether Abyss!

"Vampire Tree!"

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

He also recognized the identities of these strange trees, a kind of monster that feeds on the essence and blood of living beings, not only in the Nine Nether Abyss, but also in the eastern frontier.

Such creatures existed in the mysterious night demons who invaded the Tianyao continent before!

However, compared to the Xuan Ye Demon Clan, the strongest is equivalent to the Old Sage's Vampire Demon Tree, and the Vampire Demon Tree in the Emperor Road, each of the weakest is the Old Sage Realm!

Bloodthirsty for a living, towering magic tree!

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