Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1943: Dilu Temple Spirit, Tianzun's handwriting


The billowing smoke and dust fell, and the heaven and the earth regained clarity.

Around Qin Yi, a huge pothole suddenly appeared, and the vast expanse of thousands of miles collapsed, leaving only the green-brown Emperor Road, still straight through to nothingness.


Qin Yi slowly exhaled the breath in his mouth, and a stream of air rushed out like a sharp sword.

In a blink of an eye, it fell on the road of the emperor and made a white mark!

This blue-brown Emperor Road was made of unknown material and was extremely hard. Even if Qin Yi broke out to destroy the world, he couldn't hurt the Emperor Road.

Qin Yi's airflow left a white mark.

If this airflow fell on a person, wouldn't it kill a strong man on the spot?

Exhale and kill!


Qin Yi's eyes were filled with divine light, and he scanned the surroundings.

The sight of the eye is a dilapidated sight, with fragmented mud and rocks everywhere.

Mana circulated between his eyes and saw everything in sight. Those vampire trees that had survived under his foot and hid in the ground never escaped his eyes.

It's just that Qin Yi was unwilling to take care of it.

As long as it doesn't interfere with him, how can he manage these vampire trees?


When Qin Yi looked deep into Dilu, he could see the figure of a man with red hair.

The red-haired man seemed to have noticed him too, and his whole body was agitated.

Immediately afterwards, the red-haired man didn't know what he was yelling, Qin Yi separated hundreds of thousands of miles, and under the suppression of Dilu, his spiritual thoughts could not spread to hundreds of thousands of miles away.


At this moment, Qin Yi could clearly perceive the coming of an unimaginable will.

"Dilu Temple Spirit?"

A hint of enlightenment flashed in Qin Yi's mind.

This will is clearly the Dilu Temple Spirit, or Dilu's will that the Great Emperor Taichu had specifically told him about!

A kind of will that dominates the existence of Dilu!

"Tiandao, it's not right, it should be more than half of the essence of Tiandao, or even better!"

Qin Yi's eyes were faint, staring directly at the light falling from the sky.

The strength of this will is even higher than the Heavenly Dao that Qin Yi once faced directly. Because of the Heavenly Dao clone, Qin Yi is extremely sensitive to this aspect.

This will is not comparable to ordinary emperors!

"The handwriting of the Great Emperor's pinnacle, or the creation of Tianzun?"

Qin Yi's mind was spinning quickly, and his mind became more and more confused.

Whether it's the big formation outside the emperor's realm, the so-called Emperor Cheng's secret, or the spirit of the emperor's road hall, it is strange from every aspect.

There are various signs that these things are all the pinnacle existence of a great emperor, or the handwriting of Tianzun!

Only the existence of that level can have such a big handwriting to cultivate the emperor!

"Then why does this existence leave such a handwriting in the emperor stepping world?"

Qin Yi frowned.

Generally speaking, that kind of existence is so powerful.

Ordinary people who have entered the emperor for the first time, or the great emperor of the first or second stage of the emperor, can not get into the eyes of such existence.

Even the general emperor cannot enter the eyes of such existence without entering the three post-Emperor realms!

Just as for a quasi-emperor, or an emperor, the sage's one and two layers, or even the ancient sages, can't get into the eyes of these existences, and they can shoot to death.

Why does this existence leave the great secret of becoming emperor in the world of stepping on emperor, and cultivate an emperor?

For such an existence, an emperor can be cultivated at his fingertips, why is it so troublesome?

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