Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1998: Nine Emperor Road, two sacred beasts

Time and space rotation.

Jumping from one world to the other, Rao Yi Qin Yi's cultivation base also lost consciousness for a while.

But when he came back to his senses, a vast expanse of the world, like a huge picture scroll, slowly spread out in front of his eyes!

This side of the world is lingering in the strong spirit, and sacred mountains rise up from the ground, each of which is hundreds of thousands of feet tall, supporting the sky and supporting the earth, and is as high as the sky.

The endless chaos aura fell down, like a series of waterfalls falling from nine days, hanging straight into the sky!

There are also countless rare and exotic animals that survive in this world, and they are all kinds of ancient magical medicines that shine in their eyes.

On the vast emperor, the veins of the earth are like wandering dragons, like phantoms converging into real dragons. This is the dragon veins that can only condense after tens of millions of years!

There are countless rays of sunlight falling from the sky, covering this world like a fairyland.


A huge bird swept across the sky, shrouded in golden light, with its head up and looking forward, majestic and majestic.

His body is bigger than Kun Yuan's body, and he shakes his wings a bit, and then he rolls up the sky!

Wind and cloud move, wings can shock the sky!


On the vast expanse, a fierce beast that is as high as a sacred mountain, roaring up to the sky, vying for glory with that bird.

"Imperial Beast?"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, and he felt tremendous pressure from the two fierce beasts.

These two fierce beasts can make him feel pressure, it must be the existence of the emperor realm.

These are two fierce beasts of the Emperor Realm!

"This poultry bird should be the golden-winged big peng bird recorded in the book of Taichu, the realm of the emperor, guarding a high-level imperial medicine."

Qin Yi whispered.

He also recognized the identity of that fierce bird. It was the golden-winged big peng bird that was honored with speed in the clan of gods and beasts.

If it is necessary to talk about the strength of this golden-winged roc, Qin Yi is sure that it is the dozens of pseudo-emperors in the emperor world who have shot together, and it is not necessarily the opponent of this golden-winged roc!

This is an adult beast!

Rather, it is still a top-notch sacred beast, and only true dragons, heavenly phoenixes, and golden crows can overwhelm the Golden-winged Roc Bird!

Are there some pseudo-emperors who can match?

"The other fierce beast looks like a god-like monkey, but it doesn't look like it should be a certain kind of beast from the ape family."

Qin Yi looked at another fierce beast.

Qin Yi didn't recognize the identity of this sacred beast, but he thought it was a sacred beast of the same level as the Golden Winged Roc Bird.

Otherwise, how can the Golden-winged Roc bird tolerate his provocation?

Fight long ago!

"This nine-layer world of Emperor Road is countless times more dangerous than stepping on the Emperor Realm."

Qin Yi shook his head.

The existence of these two divine beasts is several times more terrifying than the dozen pseudo-emperors who stepped on the emperor world.

Even if it is, the current Emperor Taichu, the supreme of the three emperors, is not necessarily the opponent of these two fierce beasts!

In the scroll given by the Great Emperor Taichu, this point was also implicitly mentioned.

"Fortunately, the existence of these two statues should be restricted by the strong will of Dilu, and should not interfere in the trial of Dilu."

Qin Yi's heart was slightly loose.

If these two fierce beasts can also take action, then Tianjiao, who has been in countless epochs, would never want to win the secret of Emperor Cheng in Emperor Road!

Even if all the **** sons and quasi emperors who entered the road of the emperor were to go together, it would not be enough for these two fierce beasts to slap!

Like that.

Di Lu is not called Di Lu, but a dead end!

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