Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2001: Gods: Kun Yuan is still alive


The black armored warrior sighed softly.

At any rate, he was also the Cangqing Great World under the Cangqing God Cult. One of the famous quasi-emperor powers was respected as the black armor king by the creatures of the Cangqing Great World.

Whether in the Cangqing big world or in other big worlds, they are ranked below the emperor, and a handful of top-notch figures have a cultivation base that shakes the world.

But when I meet these people, I still have to stop cooking!

You must know that these are the **** sons of the holy land from all sides, and their Taoism is incredible, and they have reached the realm of the emperor!

Everyone is far beyond the ordinary quasi-emperor can contend!

Even in every holy place, there are even more like mythological characters.

What is the Son of God?

Son of God!

These few have long been regarded by various forces as the seeds of the future emperor.

The quasi-emperor, such as the Golden Flame God General in the Emperor Stepping Realm, was not worth mentioning before them.

"However, Cang Yunzi also promised me.

After this incident, as long as I worshipped Taoyan God Sect and was named an elder of Taoyan God Sect, I would not take my life. "

The King of Black Armor felt slightly relieved when he thought of this.

"Compared with me, Fairy Mu Ling is really unlucky. I am afraid that he will not be able to break away from Zhao Cheng's control for life and become Zhao Cheng's puppet.

Unless Zhao Cheng is dead, it is possible to get out. "

The Black Armored King gloated at the goddess of the gods, the woman behind Zhao Cheng.

The woman was looking at Zhao Cheng obsessively, her eyes filled with smoke, her delicate and pretty face was full of red clouds, like a little woman.

God teaches.

Save people!

Tiandu God teaches the nine epochs, and its fundamental martial arts is to save people.

This is an extremely terrifying emperor scripture. Rumor has it that it is the first generation of the gods of the Tiandu Sect. It was obtained from Buddhism in the Western Wilderness realm and can save the world!

At that time, the first generation of the head teacher of the God Sect of the Tiandu Church had successfully cultivated the salvation of people to the greatest extent, and even saved more than three emperors!

In the long years, Tiandu God Sect has also declined and was beaten up to the gate of the mountain, resulting in the incompleteness of this emperor sutra, which is no longer the power of the year.

However, the past dynasties after the Tiandu Divine Sect were painstakingly and lonely to complement the original emperor scripture, although it could not be compared with the indispensable scripture of saving people, it also possessed incomparably terrifying power.

Save people with one thought, and all beings are slaves!

"Tiandu Divine Sect's Scripture of Saving People is really terrifying, and Fairy Mu Ling's cultivation is slightly inferior to mine, and Zhao Cheng is easily converted into a slave."

The King of Black Armor is jealous.

Fairy Mu Ling said that he was also a **** son who was on the waiting list of the great emperor, but he ended up with this end, and the King of Black Armor couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

"According to the will of Dilu Temple Spirit, there should be seven talents.

How come that guy Kun Yuan hasn't shown up yet, is it possible that he is playing the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole is behind? "

At this time.

Zhao Cheng spoke suddenly, eyes deep to the extreme.

There were four groups of people, that is six people, one less.

Before entering the Dilu, they had sensed the fluctuations of Kun Yuan's use of the Tiantian Formation. In the eyes of Zhao Cheng and other gods, no matter who Kun Yuan's opponent was, as long as it was not theirs.

Most **** sons and quasi emperors are definitely not Kun Yuan's opponents!

Even those old monsters who have practiced in the Zhun Emperor for countless years are not their opponents. It is the limit to force Kun Yuan to use the Heaven Refining Array.

Everyone knew that Kun Yuan was definitely still alive, in this world of Fangdilu Nine Layers!

Even, it is very likely to be nearby!

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