Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2003: To Chengdi Mountain


A round of big days hangs high.

The dazzling silver light exudes a horrible atmosphere that crushes the heavens and envelopes the world.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, countless strange beasts who felt this coercive force couldn't help crawling on the ground, shivering under this breath.

"My God! This human killing **** is getting stronger and stronger!"

Shuangbai Mountain, who was released by Qin Yi to protect the road, opened his eyes wide.

Naturally, it is impossible for Qin Yi to retreat without any precautions. In this world of Fangdilu Nine Layers, apart from the two imperial beasts, there are also many beasts with terrifying cultivation.

If it is because of self-retreat and hard practice, and put yourself into danger.

For Qin Yi, the gain is not worth the loss.

Therefore, Qin Yi had released Shuangbai Mountain long ago as his protector.

And with Shuangbai Mountain's breakthrough quasi-emperor's cultivation base, even if it encounters a fierce beast that has already approached the emperor's realm, it will not be without resistance, enough for him to react.

"This human being, I'm afraid it's a distance from the emperor, so he should only be one step away from him!"

Shuangbaishan looked desperate.

The Frost Cold Demon Ape clan is extremely talented. In the past few years, it has been practicing in the world of the nine layers of Emperor Road, and it has already broken through the realm of Quasi-Emperor, and its blood is surging to the extreme.

Energetic, even reaching the power of seven thousand dragons!

Shuangbai Mountain is proud, and with his own strength, even if he is not as good as Qin Yi, he should not lose much.

But seeing the horrible scene of Qin Yi's practice, the joy after his breakthrough was like being poured down by a splash of cold water, and he couldn't raise any disrespect.

The great ancestor is here, not because this ape has no backbone, but this guy is too terrifying.


The silver big sun slowly sank, and Qin Yi's might and power was reduced.

"After practicing for nearly three years, I finally grasped this power in my hands."

Qin Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

After another breakthrough, because of the condensing of the illusory Zhongqian world, the mana of this clone skyrocketed, and it was not controlled by itself, and even its own immortal golden body could not bear it.

But today, Qin Yi finally mastered all this power.

At this moment, he dared to truly speak out, among the emperor's trials, he should be respected!

"Congratulations to the Lord on the exit."

Frosty White Mountain quickly knelt down in front of Qin Yi and said flatteringly.

The face of the hideous ape showed a completely flattering expression.

That appearance, if it weren't for its huge body and the extremely powerful mana in the body, people who didn't know thought it was a pet beast raised by Qin Yi since childhood.

"You guy."

Qin Yi shook his head and laughed.

"You have protected me for three years of cultivation, and it is considered meritorious. This Tianjin Lotus is your reward."

Qin Yi waved his hand, and a lotus with a shining halo appeared in front of Shuangbai Mountain.

For the best way, rewards and punishments are clear!

Shuangbaishan, cough, since Xiaobai has signed a contract with him, he is regarded as his subordinate, and he will naturally be rewarded for his merits.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he was busy taking Tian Jinlian into it.

This Tianjin lotus is a quasi-emperor-class ancient medicine, and it is also superior among the quasi-emperor-class ancient medicines.

How can Xiaobai be upset?

"Well, let's go to Shi Xiaochi to practice together."

After speaking, Qin Yi waved his hand and the silver light flowed, instantly bringing Xiao Bai into the illusory Zhongqian World.

"Doing the math, there are still seven days before the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng appears.

I should also go to Chengdi Mountain! "

Qin Yi looked faintly.

The deep gaze penetrated the far distance, as if seeing the most majestic mountain in the nine-layer world of Emperor Road hundreds of thousands of miles away.

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