Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2007: Punch and fly


The violent power echoed in the void, tearing the void apart abruptly.

Emperor Yiyuan overlooked Qin Yi, his body gurgling in the void for a long time, dripping with the breath of time.

In an instant, the mountain on which it was standing seemed to be shrouded in an invisible force, just a breath of time, like a time spent tens of millions of years, dissipating in the world!

And Qin Yi stood in front of Emperor Yiyuan, not taking a step back.


Only, a black robe was hunting under this power.

"Boy, you will soon know how stupid it is to provoke me. Don't think that you have defeated the headless beast of Kun Yuan.

You can challenge me! "

Emperor Yiyuan snorted coldly.


In the next moment, Emperor Yi Yuan held his claws in the void and grabbed Qin Yi with one claw!

Within the scope of one of its claws, the velocity of time and space seemed to have accelerated countless times, and the void was decayed and collapsed under this force!

Flowing claws!

This is the one-type claw technique that the Yiyuan Emperor has understood from the law of time. When he is hit by this claw, his entire body will instantly turn into bones!

Even turned into decayed fly ash!

"The law of time, it's scary!"

The black armor king's pupils shrank.

The power of this claw made him feel extremely frightened. If he hit this claw, it would probably be turned into a dead bone in the mound!

This is the power of Yiyuan Emperor!

A powerful existence capable of standing side by side with Cang Yunzi and other gods!

‘It’s really unwise for the Prince of the Beginning to provoke these gods rashly! ’

The King of Black Armor sighed in his heart.

And just when the King of Black Armor thought the overall situation was settled, he only heard a chuckle: "Heh!"


Immediately afterwards, an afterimage drew across the sky.

One step!

Qin Yi appeared in front of Emperor Yiyuan in a blink of an eye, punched out, and hit the face of Emperor Yiyuan severely.


With a clear sound of bone shattering, Emperor Yi Yuan only felt a powerful force that slammed on his right face, directly smashing his right face!

In an instant, countless blood splashed all over the sky, and even a few teeth flew out of the mouth of Emperor Yi Yuan!

And the whole person of Yiyuan Emperor, even more flew with this punch, directly hit the top of a mountain behind him, almost all his bones were shattered!

"Should it be what qualifications do you have to challenge your deity?"

Qin Yi slowly retracted his right fist and spoke lightly.

At this time, Qin Yi's eyes were still free of sorrow and joy, like a god, overlooking the sentient beings, watching the changes in the expressions of everyone around him.

The faces of many gods also showed surprise, surprised at Qin Yi's strength.


There was a wicked smile at the corner of Zhao Cheng's mouth, which caused Fairy Mu Ling behind him to feel excited, and two intoxicating blushes flew on his face.

"Sure enough, it's a physical training, a powerful one!"

The war spirit in the eyes of the ancient **** child is even more hot.

He can't wait to fight Qin Yi now!

"Huh? Yiyuan Emperor was actually beaten up?"

The Black Armored King's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

He had no confidence to take this claw of Emperor Yiyuan, let alone knocking such a terrifying Emperor Yiyuan into the air with one punch?

And at the moment.

The Cang Yunzi was still reciting Dao Zang without even lifting his head.

It seems that Qin Yi's strength at the moment is still out of his eyes!

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