Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2011: I am like a **** and Buddha, immortal


A big silver sun rose slowly.

Qin Yi was bathed in silver light, like a high god, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, and his indifferent light fell on Emperor Yiyuan.

You see me as an ant, how do you know that I see you as an ant?

Since Qin Yi walked out of the Tianyao Continent and stepped into the eastern frontier, what level of existence did the opponents he faced?

Xuan Ye Mozu, Emperor Xuan Ye!

World dominates, Tian Yao Tian Dao!

Furthermore, it is the emperor Huntian, the emperor at the beginning of this level, everyone is a person who has become an emperor, or an existence comparable to an emperor.

Only with this kind of existence can he be called Qin Yi's opponent!

These characters walk out of one person at will, it is not these so-called gods, the existence that can resist!

Even if it was just a clone, after the clone broke through, this clone would not have put these so-called gods in its eyes.


Good words are hard to persuade **** ghost!

As long as you want to die, then I will send you to the road!


next moment.

Qin Yi bowed, opened his fist, and punched directly.


This punch collided with the palm of Yiyuan Emperor, bursting out waves of horror.

"Boom boom boom!"

The monstrous wind and waves are rolling in the void, extremely terrifying, every aftermath will penetrate the void, like thousands of rivers rushing!

Like a big river hitting the sky, shaking the world!

The extremely depressed breath dissipated, shattering the void into a broken hole.


Emperor Yi Yuan's face changed drastically, and he was almost beaten by Qin Yi again.

Fortunately, he had long expected that he would cover himself with the law of time and maintain his peak state at all times. Only then did he reluctantly support the pillar under Qin Yi's punch and only retreated half a step.

Even so, the emperor Yiyuan was full of blood, almost spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Time is rotten!"

Emperor Yiyuan gritted his teeth, roared, and supported his mana.

The photo of time behind him is even more dazzling!

In an instant, the dazzling chains of time lightened up, and a terrible light burst out, flooding the world and covering Qin Yi.

Under the shroud of these rays of light, this void seemed to have gone through endless years in an instant, decayed and decayed and collapsed in an instant.

As for the countless ancient plants that grow on Chengdi Mountain, they have been stepped into the dead end one after another!

The many gods present felt an unspeakable pressure in an instant.

This is from the heart, the awe of time!

Time is like light, everything is rotten!

"This prince from the beginning, is going to lose!"

The King of Black Armor sighed lightly.

This prince from the beginning may be extremely powerful, his strength is beyond his imagination, but after all, he cannot exist on the same level as the Yiyuan Emperor and others.

After the emperor Yiyuan got angry, how could he resist it with the subtlety of the law of time and space?

But it was beyond the expectation of the black king.


Surrounded by the glory of endless time, Qin Yi hunted and walked, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, bathed in the power of time.

Two divine lights of bright gold and silver enveloped Qin Yi's body, and no matter how time the divine glory washed away, Qin Yi could not help it!

Even if a little bit of blood was washed away by the divine glory of time, Qin Yi could replenish the lost blood with a single breath.

His face is calm, his breath is calm and calm, walking slowly, just like a **** wandering in a long river!

I am like a **** and Buddha, immortal!

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