Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2020: Ancient **** child shot

"Cang Yunzi!"

Zhao Cheng looked at Cang Yunzi who was still reciting Dao Zang, with deep fear in his eyes.

Cang Yunzi.

The first person on the waiting list of the Great Eastern Territory has occupied this position for ten million years!

For ten million years, it was not that no one had challenged this Cang Yunzi, but he was defeated by Cang Yunzi, and his position as the number one on the waiting list never wavered.

It can even be called the first person under the Great Emperor in the Eastern Frontier!

This was not a slogan that was chanted casually, but a fact recognized by many quasi-emperors, and he was hailed as the son of the most promising emperor in the Eastern Frontier!

When it comes to combat power, whether it is the veteran Zhun emperor who has been practicing for much longer than Cang Yunzi, or the new Tianjiao, all bow their heads in front of them!

Even Zhao Cheng had to admit this.

Before Qin Yi's arrival, it was even faintly with Yiyuan Emperor and Huanggu Divine Child to deal with Cangyunzi.

"Your Excellency, shouldn't you think that you can kill the one yuan guy, so you can despise me?

Do you think I will hand it over to the great secret of Chengdi?

Two, do you think so? "

Zhao Cheng sneered.

Qin Yi may be strong, but if they want them to retreat willingly, how can they be willing?

There is only one chance in an era, how can they not fight?

Qin Yi alone has not made them feel afraid!

Come to think of it, Cang Yunzi and Huanggu Divine Child will definitely cater to him, and want to clear this mad Prince from the Beginning first.


Zhao Cheng was full of confidence, but what he got was nothing but silence.


Cang Yunzi was still reciting the scriptures, immersed in Taoism.

Even if Qin Yi would kill Emperor Yiyuan, he never let Cang Yunzi make any moves.

And the ancient **** child did not speak, but stared at Qin Yi with scorching eyes, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was almost overflowing, turning into a sky-reaching flame.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Cheng smiled and cursed secretly.

These two people are ignoring Him!

Had it not been for Qin Yi to be the current enemy, he would have been furious, maybe he was not sure about Cang Yunzi's move, but he was still sure to teach this so-called ridiculous **** child!

A humble native!

"Your Excellency is extremely powerful, and this son of God is here to learn your brilliant skills!"

The ancient **** child can ignore Zhao Cheng and look directly at Qin Yi.


The surging qi and blood gushed from the body of the ancient **** child, like a large dragon entrenched in his body, bursting out incomparably powerful power.

The next moment, the ancient **** child suddenly took a step forward, as if stepping on the sacred mountain that was ten million feet high.


If the ancient savage dragon breathed, the mighty blood was spit out by the ancient **** child.


The ancient **** child jumped up, and in an instant, the various orifices on the ancient **** child burst into light like the scorching sun.

Nine days in theaters, let's go down!

Wild ancient emperor!

This is the emperor sutra practiced by the ancient **** child, a secret method that will open up his own acupuncture points to the extreme, and in the end he can prove the emperor's way!

While breathing and thinking, countless auras wrapped around the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, swallowed by the Wild Ancient God Child in one bite, just like this world is blessing the Wild Ancient God Child!

Swallowing hundreds of millions of auras in one bite, in a high altitude, punch!


It was as if a tens of thousands of feet of ancient sacred mountain was lifted up, and immediately fell.

Countless roars like the collapse of the world, trembling for thousands of miles, the entire void has a feeling of being crushed, fierce and powerful.

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