Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2028: To save people, the quasi emperor is a servant


Zhao Cheng stood with his hand in his hand and snorted softly.


A stupid figure appeared from behind Zhao Cheng.

Each figure has a powerful aura, and the body contains endless terrifying mana, just like a quasi-emperor who is invincible.

If it weren't for these powerhouses to look dumb and look like they had lost their souls, everyone would think they were the real quasi-emperor powerhouses.

There are ten figures in total.

Older, younger, male or female...

"No, these are living quasi emperors!"

The Black Armored King exclaimed, with a chill in his heart.

"Bailao Boy, Fairy Wanling, Heavenly General Yunhai..."

He recognized the identities of several of them. These were all quasi-emperor powerhouses with a notorious reputation in the Eastern Frontier, with extraordinary strength.

Such as Bai Lao Boy, even defeated him ten thousand years ago!

Although after thousands of years, the appearance of the Bai Lao boy, he still never forgets that the thin and dry boy is the Bai Lao boy who defeated him in the first place.

The other few are also strong at the same level as Bai Lao Tong.

"Didn't these few disappeared as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions of years ago. It is said that they lost their tracks because of a delusion?"

The Black Armored King's eyes widened.

There was a faint guess in his heart that these quasi-emperors disappeared not because of a mistake in their practice, and then went crazy, but were transformed by Zhao Cheng and became Zhao Cheng's servants!


The Black Armored King took a breath, and couldn't help feeling chills in his heart.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that these ten quasi-emperors all obeyed Zhao Cheng's orders, this is really too scary!

Zhao Cheng alone can be regarded as a large power!

In the Eastern Frontier, the power of the giants of the ancient sages can only be regarded as influential forces, and the power of the ancient sages of the pinnacles can be regarded as third-rate forces.

If there is a quasi emperor, it can be regarded as a second-rate force.

In the controversy between the imperial dynasty in the early dynasty, a quasi emperor could intervene in it, which was enough to dominate the ownership of the emperor in the early dynasty.

If there are ten quasi-emperors in charge, they can be counted as first-class powers, except for the powers that have emperors, they are the top powers.

There are even no ten quasi emperors in some big clans.

"Ten quasi emperors, even if someone like Cang Yunzi wants to deal with it, they will inevitably be at a loss, not to mention that Shenzi Zhao is on his side."

The Black Armored King murmured.

Even if it is a quasi-emperor's existence, facing ten quasi-emperors will have to be restricted.

Plus Zhao Cheng, where is the opponent of ordinary people!


Seeing these ten quasi-emperors, Fairy Mu Ling was stunned, as if struck by lightning.

From these ten quasi-emperors, she suddenly saw her fate, and suddenly woke up, with a look of fear on her face, turning around to try to escape.


Zhao Cheng looked back and smiled, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and an invisible wave spread.

Fairy Mu Ling glanced at Zhao Cheng's gaze from the corner of his eye, was stunned, and turned around stupidly.

Then, two shy blushes appeared on his face, and he looked at Zhao Cheng obsessively.


This made the King of Black Armor extremely cold, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhao Cheng, because he was afraid to make up for the footsteps of Fairy Mu Ling.

‘This is the salvation sutra of God’s teachings! It is also the root of the Tiandu God Sect being called the Tiandu Demon Sect, which is clearly a magic scripture! ’

The black king roared in his heart.

Just glanced at it, and my mind was taken away by it. This is not the magic scripture, but what is it?

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