Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2039: Take me 30%, don't kill you

Eastern Frontier.

Every Tianjiao who can be on the emperor's candidate list is a peerless Tianjiao who has never come out of the world.

Not to mention, a top ten on the emperor's candidate list is the top three tianjiao, and how terrifying and powerful.

In the past, if someone told the Black Armored King that someone could kill the three gods who were in the top three of the Great Emperor's alternate list with his own power, the Black Armored King would definitely sneer.


What kind of character are the top three **** sons of the Great Emperor's alternate list?

How can one person be the opponent of the three gods?

But when all this happened to him alive, he couldn't find any reason to refute all this!


He is a majestic quasi emperor, who can confuse him?

The King of Black Armor could only look dull, looking at Qin Yi standing with his hands on the sky, and couldn't say anything for a while.

"All three gods are dead?"

After a long while, the Black Armored King murmured, barely accepting this fact.

In three battles, Qin Yi killed Emperor Yi Yuan, defeated the ancient **** son, and then cut the **** son Zhao!

If it hadn't really happened before his eyes, he would never believe it!

"Good boxing!"

Huang Gu's eyes were burning, and his gaze looked at Qin Yi with a fierce fighting spirit.

After a while, the fighting spirit gradually extinguished again.

He was defeated by Qin Yi with a punch, and Qin Yi showed strength enough to make him look up. He knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to overwhelm Qin Yi, unless he broke through the emperor!

How difficult it is to break through the emperor!

At least tens of thousands of years later, he can't even think about it.

"That **** Zhao Cheng is dead?"

There was a sound like running water, and everyone saw that it was Fairy Mu Ling.

At this time, the fairy Mu Ling seemed to have recovered his sanity. After Qin Yi killed Zhao Cheng, he took this opportunity to escape from Zhao Cheng's control.

There is a flaw in the Scripture of Saving People of the Gods of Heaven. If the practitioner dies, the effect of the Scripture of Saving People will also be lifted, so that Fairy Mu Ling can escape from Zhao Cheng's control.

Fairy Mu Ling was full of indignation and fluke on her peerless face.

She almost became Zhao Cheng's servant for the rest of her life, unable to escape Zhao Cheng's control!

"Thank you, Mr. Bai, for your help!"

Fairy Mu Ling immediately greeted Qin Yi.

She was saved by Zhao Cheng before, but it did not mean that she had no perception of the outside world. She knew that it was Qin Yi who killed Zhao Cheng with a single punch, so she could escape Zhao Cheng's clutches.

"No problem!"

Qin Yi waved his hand casually, not paying attention to Fairy Mu Ling.

He looked straight at the man in the Taoist robe sitting cross-legged on Chengdi Mountain, who was still reciting the scriptures!

The **** son of Daoyan **** sect, the first **** son on the alternate list of the Great Emperor of the Eastern Frontier!

Cang Yunzi!


Qin Yi stepped into the sky with a void, fell from nine days, and walked towards the **** of Taoism.


At this time, Cang Yunzi seemed to wake up like a dream. He woke up from the ocean of Dao Zang, gently raised his eyes and looked at Qin Yi on the sky.


Dao Zang in his hand is one.

Cang Yunzi showed a faint smile, and said leisurely: "Have you finally solved these wastes?"

After speaking, Cang Yunzi stood up.

"Well, since you can kill these wastes, you can also fight against this seat and compete for the great secret of becoming an emperor. It is an honor for you in this life."

"Don't worry, I have made 30% of my strength in this battle."

"If you can survive, the deity won't kill you, how?"

Cang Yunzi said lightly.

It is as if in his eyes, Qin Yi is no different from Zhao Cheng, Huanggu Shenzi and others, and can be crushed to death at will!

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