Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2052: What can Cangyunzi do?

The top of Chengdi Mountain.

The cold wind gets colder.

Even colder was Cang Yunzi's heart.


The violent aura gradually quieted down, and with the recovery ability of Dilu's nine-layer world, the battle between Qin Yi and Cang Yunzi was not enough to shatter the world.

Even if the two emperors fought against each other, it was impossible to break the nine-layer world of Emperor Lu into pieces.

With the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi as the foundation support, how can it be so easily broken!

You know, a ray of true Nine Heavens Immortal Qi is also an unimaginable treasure in the heavens and all realms, and Tianzun Xuxian also regards it as a treasure!

The power contained in a ray of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi is far superior to the spiritual energy, essence, and vitality of the heavens and all realms, and even the Nine Nether Demon Qi that constitutes the Nine Nether Abyss, the endless underworld, is even worse than the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi.

According to legend, if a mortal breathes this nine-day immortal energy, one can prolong life for millions of years!

This statement is certainly exaggerated, but there is no denying the power of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi.

Even if it is impure, or even the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi that has been diluted countless times, it is also an incomparably precious power, enough to make the world of Dilu Nine Layers last forever.

Unless a strong person who has reached a deep level in the realm of the emperor takes action, he can break the world of the emperor.

Cang Yunzi's golden bones were exposed, and the only intact head was covered with blood, and the pale golden blood dyed the entire mountain top red.


Energetic energy surged in Cang Yunzi's body, exploding his body.

Countless blood spewed out and crashed down the mountain.

The loss of every drop of essence and blood, for a physical practitioner, represents several years of penance. This is a loss that Cang Yunzi has to cultivate for hundreds of years to make up for!

"No, no, how could this happen? How could you beat me to an ant who can only be the last ant on the waiting list of the Great Emperor?"

Cang Yunzi's face was pale and incoherent.

He could only swallow the pills of various grades desperately, and put the pills he was carrying into his mouth.

At this time, he ignored the deposition of erysipelas, and it would take a lot of time in the future to clear his own erysipelas.

Life is almost gone, still scrupulous about these?

He swallowed the heavenly top-grade pill, the quasi-emperor-grade pill, the first-level emperor-grade **** pill, and even the unrefined heaven and earth treasures.


Countless elixir entered the abdomen and instantly turned into mighty spiritual power.

On Cang Yunzi's body, a dazzling light burst out, this is the infinite medicinal power running, nourishing Cang Yunzi's body.

On the body with only the skeleton left, granulation sprouts flew and grew, and after a few breaths, a new body was actually rebuilt by Cang Yunzi!

A new physical body just reunites like this.

It's just that the strength of this body can be compared with Cang Yunzi's previous body?

It can be worthy of reaching the realm of entering the divine body.

"Bai Jing, don't think that you can do whatever you want by defeating this son of God by external force!"

Cang Yunzi fell to the ground, gritted his teeth.

In his eyes, Qin Yi only relied on external forces that he did not know to defeat him. How could he be convinced?

"so what?"

Qin Yi glanced at Cang Yunzi lightly, and said casually.

For the strong, both the so-called external force and self-power are available.

Self-strength, self-cultivation, is the raft of crossing the sea of ​​suffering and the foundation of the heavens!

External force, the main killing, is a means of fighting with others.

If obsessed with external force and self-power, it is nothing more than annoying, Qin Yi can suppress Cang Yunzi with the power of the eternal immortal furnace.

What can Cang Yunzi do to him?

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