Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2069: The Great Secret of Chengdi was born

Three dim halos lit up in three different places in Dilu Jiuzhong World.

In every halo, there is an unstoppable force.

Except for the ancient gods, the other two places where the halo is shrouded are the Black Armor King and Mu Ling Fairy.

This time the trial of the Dilu Nine Worlds, except for Qin Yi, only these three people remained.

With Qin Yi's acquiescence, the three of them searched for their own opportunities in the world of Dilu Nine Layers, and promised Qin Yi that they would leave after the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor was opened.

The three people of the ancient gods did not violate their promises.

"Huh! Finally it's over."

The Black Armored King suddenly sat on the ground.

Holding a medicinal plant exuding a faint sacred breath in his hand, he was grinning.

This is his harvest.

The King of Black Armor was also considered good luck. He was lucky to survive from Cang Yunzi, but Qin Yi didn't take any action against him. He looked for opportunities in the world of Dilu Nine Layers.

As a result, it really made him find a low-level imperial medicine.

"His Majesty Bai is great, Mu Ling will remember it in his heart."

Fairy Mu Ling is also holding a low-level imperial medicine, with beautiful eyes like water, looking into the distance.


The light faded.

The three of the ancient gods also disappeared in the world of nine layers of Dilu.

In the distance, Qin Yi seemed to feel something.

He was on these three people, but left behind.

be careful and live long!

How could he really let these three people go, no matter what, they are all quasi emperors.

Qin Yi just glanced back, then looked back.

Due to the changes in the rules of the Dilu World, as long as you surrender and admit defeat, you can leave the Dilu Nine Worlds as if under the Dilu Seventh World.

If it weren't for this, Qin Yi couldn't let the three of them wander around in the world of Dilu Nine Layers, and the three of them could survive by chance.

Qin Yi didn't care too much, but looked at the big formation in front of him.



This large formation is engraved with countless ancient divine patterns, and the current divine patterns in the Eastern Frontier are countless times older.

The lines of gods gradually light up, and this large formation slowly wakes up like a sleeping behemoth.


The magnificent breath came from the big formation.

Unimaginable energy fluctuations are accumulated around the large array, and you can even see aurora chains jumping on the surface of the large array.

If this force bursts out, its power is enough to destroy the world!

Even Qin Yi was jealous of this power, and had to use the power of the Eternal Immortal Furnace to barely block this power fluctuation.

Qin Yi stared, and there seemed to be endless divine brilliance in the depths of his eyes, looking towards the depths of the array.


The large array was constantly trembling, and countless rays of light gathered, each ray of light shone through the ages, gathered together little by little, as if someone was holding a volley and imaginary painting, sketching something.

With only a few breaths, a group of hazy, chaotic, and indescribable existence gradually emerged before his eyes.

At the moment of formation, billions of immortals burst out, extremely dazzling!

If it hadn't been blocked by the big formation, I'm afraid the entire world of Dilu Nine Layers would be covered by the light of this thing, shining to the world.


The light in Qin Yi's eyes flickered uncertainly.

This is the secret of Chengdi?

The light clusters flowed, and Qin Yi saw that it seemed as if the heavens and worlds were evolving in it, and it was as if the universe and galaxy were shining in it, and all beings and everything were in it.

The heavens and the worlds, boundless stars!

Secret of Chengdi!

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