Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2081: Everyone's doubts

Step on the Emperor Mountain.

A portal covering the sky and sun stands in the endless divine light.


When this portal emerged, a vast and powerful aura raged, shaking the emperor realm!

The vast and far-reaching fluctuations, like the sacred mountain falling!

Even if they were prepared early, the many strong people present couldn't help their discoloration.

The creatures below the realm of the ancient sage are directly kneeling to the ground, and only the existence above the ancient sage can barely stand.

"Kang Dang!"

With a loud noise, this portal slowly opened to the sides!

that moment.

The boundless **** shines everywhere, and the endless aura is boiling like a sea.

A powerful force poured down in an instant, roaring for it in the entire emperor's fall universe!

Everyone hurriedly looked at it: "Is the trial of the Emperor Road over?"

The Emperor Road portal has appeared, which also means that this time the battle for the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor has come to an end.

I don't know who can win the Secret of Chengdi?

Before, there were already many testers who had entered Dilu, leaving Dilu early.

However, everyone still has no clue about the final ownership of the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng.

Everyone's eyes were scorching, staring at the open door of Emperor Road.


At this time, a strong man in black armor was the first to walk out of the road.

"Huh? A quasi emperor?"

Everyone was stunned, and looked at the man who walked out in a stupefied manner.

Could it be that this person won the Great Secret of Chengdi?

But this person only has a quasi-emperor's cultivation base, not a quasi-emperor extremely strong, how could he win the secret of becoming emperor?

It is neither the gods of the Eastern Frontier, nor the gods of the quasi-emperor in the emperor world.


Even the eyes of many emperors were condensed.


The black-clad man was also taken aback by everyone's gaze, and then he was stunned.

The black-clad man did not explain, and walked out of the bronze portal slowly.

Just as everyone wanted to ask questions, behind the black-clad man, two figures were looming, walking towards the door.

"What's the situation? According to the ancient records, every time the Dilu opens, after the Seventh Layer of Dilu, only one tester can win the great secret and survive?"

"How come there are three people?"

"How is this going?"

Everyone spoke one after another, very puzzled.

The current situation makes everyone a little confused.

Historically, the ultimate winner of Emperor Road will only be one person, and there will only be one person at most, or two people will walk out of Emperor Road alive.

At this time, the three of them suddenly walked out, how can they not be confused?

"Chu Er!"

A white-clothed and white-haired emperor who hung high in the air suddenly lit up.

In front of the bronze portal, one of the three men flashed away and came to the front of many emperors.

"I have seen Master! I have seen your Majesty!"

The man is extremely respectful and salutes many emperors.

"The ancient **** child?"

Many emperors recognized the identity of this man, he was the disciple of Huanggu Great Emperor, the son of Huanggu God.

This time, the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng was taken into the bag by the disciple of this old fellow Huang Gu?

Many emperors frowned slightly.

Especially the pavilion owner of the Emperor Luo Pavilion, Emperor Sheng Jiao had the most ugly expression.

In the generation of the emperor world, only this ridiculous **** son and his disciple Zhao Cheng have the opportunity to compete for the secret of becoming emperor.

The horrible **** child came out alive, doesn't it mean that his disciple was defeated?

The Great Emperor Huanggu naturally understood this, and he glanced at the Great Emperor, with a gentle smile on his face: "Chu'er, has the Great Secret of Chengdi got it?"

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