Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2084: Outrageously


Many powerhouses in the Eastern Frontier were shocked.

The powerhouses all looked at the two black armor kings.

Is it possible that the Great Secret of Chengdi is in the hands of these two people?

"It's not that I am waiting."

The King of Black Armor shook his head.

At this moment, many strong men were stunned.

It's not in the hands of the ancient gods, nor in the hands of the black armor king, who is in the hands.

In addition to the three of the ancient gods, there is still a fourth person who can't?

Such a thought flashed through everyone's mind.

Everyone quickly raised their eyes and looked at the bronze giant gate. At this moment, a man with silver hair and shawl and his hands on his back walked out of the bronze giant gate calmly.

"Kang Dang!"

When the silver-haired man walked out of the giant bronze gate.

The passage of the Emperor Road world shuddered suddenly, quickly closed, and disappeared in front of Emperor Stepping Mountain.

At this time, anyone with a brain knows that this time the Trial of the Emperor Road, in the next few worlds, not three people survived but four people survived!

The Great Secret of Chengdi is not in the hands of the ancient gods, nor in the hands of the two black armor kings.

This also means.

The secret of Emperor Cheng is in the hands of this silver-haired man!

It was this person who defeated the heroes of Emperor Road and won the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng!

The crowd was in an uproar.

If the others are surprised, then Wang Zhantian and the two are completely stupid.

This silver-haired man is most familiar to them.


The folding fan fell from Lu Qiu's hand, making a clear sound.

At this time, Lu Qiuyi didn't care about it at all. This folding fan he usually regarded as a treasure, but stared at the silver-haired man in a daze:

"His Royal Highness?"

The person in front of him was clearly his Royal Highness who came with them!

"His Royal Highness won the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng?"

Wang Zhantian's words are like a dream.

This is something they never thought of!

The prince actually won the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng!

how come?

"The Great Secret of Emperor Cheng has fallen into the hands of the Crown Prince of the Taichu Emperor Dynasty."

At this time, the King of Black Armor also smiled.

"I'll go, how is this possible? How could this prince of the early prince's cultivation level not be in the quasi-emperor realm, how could he grab food in the hands of many powerful men?"

"It must be fake, right?"

"Is it possible that this person can defeat the ancient **** child?"

Before stepping on the Emperor Mountain, countless strong men couldn't believe it.

When the news spread, everyone present was shocked.

Everyone has to ask again.

I saw that the ancient **** child smiled to Qin Yi and said, "Chu Yun, once again thanks to His Highness Xie Bai for his kindness."

"Thank you, little friend, for pointing me to the disciples."

Huanggu Great Emperor also smiled lightly.

Just now, the ancient **** son also explained the cause and effect to him.

Originally, his slight irritation towards Qin Yi has turned into an appreciation for Qin Yi.

The ancient **** child can clearly understand his own way to break through the emperor, whether there is a great secret of the emperor is irrelevant.


Qin Yi responded casually.

Pointing to the ancient **** son is a matter of mutual benefit, why should we be thankful?

The ancient **** child can survive under the palm of his hand, that is also the ability of the ancient **** child.


When everyone saw this, they were even more shocked.

By this time, how could they not understand that Huanggu God Child had defeated Qin Yi!

Before everyone was awakened from the shock, a huge breath burst out instantly.

A big hand that looked like a cloud hanging down from the sky fell from the sky!


The five fingers are crystal clear, swaying hundreds of millions of divine glory.

Go to Qin Yi!

Only a ray of breath escaped, the sky collapsed in an instant, the sun and the moon hung upside down!

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