Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2087: The emotion of Wang Zhantian


Huang Gu Shenzi shook his head and stopped seeing Qin Yi.

Failure to save Qin Yi made him feel guilty.

However, He could do nothing.

The ancient **** child was helpless, but the black armor king and the fairy Mu Ling looked dazed.

"How could His Royal Highness provoke this emperor?"

The black armor king looked puzzled.

The Great Emperor Zhenhai and Qin Yi, from his point of view, were two people who were unable to fight with each other. The gap between the two was like a big difference.

Even if Qin Yi is the emperor's parent and child, he shouldn't get in touch with the emperor Zhenhai?

"Wait, His Royal Highness is the father and son of Emperor Taichu, and it is inevitable that this matter has something to do with Emperor Taichu.

I remember that there is a record in the Zongmen literature that after the Great Beginning Emperor won the Secret of Cheng Emperor, he attracted an emperor in the emperor world to take action.

In the end, he managed to escape his life. Could it be this emperor? "

Hei Jia Wang suddenly remembered the ancient books of the sect he had read.

This is the feud from the Great Emperor!

No wonder, this great emperor would attack Qin Yi!

"His Royal Highness..."

Fairy Mu Ling clenched her clothes tightly and looked at Qin Yi nervously.

She would never forget the kindness Qin Yi rescued her from Zhao Cheng.

The Black Armored King can know the reason, and there are also many strong people in the Eastern Frontier who know this.

After a while, the news spread throughout the audience!

"It turned out to be so, and there is also the same reason for this."

"It turns out to be related to the powerful outsider who won the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor last time. No wonder the Great Emperor Zhenhai will make a move!"

"Two peerless arrogances in a row are really extraordinary. It's no wonder that the Great Emperor Zhenhai will kill!"

Everyone was surprised, or sneered, or suddenly.

There was such a reason for this incident, and it was no wonder that the Great Emperor Zhenhai furiously shot it.

If they were in the position of Emperor Zhenhai, they would also take action.

"It's best to kill this person, and there will be one less emperor from the outside world."

Some powerhouses in the emperor world thought viciously.

An emperor from the outside world, to them, was originally hostile.

What if he was killed by Emperor Zhenhai?

It has nothing to do with them!

"This matter is actually related to your majesty, and your majesty has been affected by your majesty."

Wang Zhantian and Lu Qiu were one and two, even more stupid.

The shocks one after another made both of them a little dizzy.

First, His Royal Highness actually won the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, which was surprising.

After that, the Great Emperor Zhenhai suddenly attacked the prince and shocked them.

"I finally know why the Fourth Royal Highness and the Thirteen Emperors, why are so sure that the Prince will fall in the realm of the emperor."

Lu Qiuyi looked complicated and sighed.

Wang Zhantian was taken aback, and then nodded in agreement.

As long as Qin Yi stepped into the world of stepping onto the emperor, he would fall into a dead end.

Let me talk about whether I can grab food from the mouth of countless strong men and win the secret of becoming emperor.

In Dilu alone, it is very likely to fall into the hands of others, or fall into the hands of the Jiuyou Demon Race in Dilu.

If you win the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, it will fall into the eyes of Emperor Zhenhai, and Emperor Zhenhai will surely take action!

No matter how the prince was lucky, he could not survive.

As for the prince, like them, consciously gave up fighting for the emperor's secret?

‘How can the style of the prince, the domineering style of the imperial capital in the early days, be possible? ’

Lu Qiu shook his head.

As early as when the prince was in the imperial capital of the early days, he was extremely ostentatious, and everyone would naturally notice that the prince seemed to be working with the emperor.

What is the emperor together?

Go ahead, the heavens surrender!

If a martial artist with a cultivation emperor retreats, the final result will either be a sharp drop in cultivation base or a dusty dao heart.

For the prince, it is not an option!

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