Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2094: The Great Emperor Zhenhai

The three realms of the emperor and the one realm of the emperor.

The gap between the two is still better than the gap between the emperor and the quasi emperor.

Even speaking, Emperor Zhenhai was weaker than Emperor Xuanye!

"If you want to get my cultivation base, then you can come and try!"

Qin Yi's words sounded loudly and loudly.

I am the emperor, so don't be afraid to wait!

It's just a pseudo-emperor, would I be afraid that you won't succeed?

"Is this guy crazy?"

As soon as Qin Yi's voice fell, countless people changed.

In their eyes, Qin Yi was just as crazy.

Relying on an imperial weapon, you can resist a blow from the Great Emperor Zhenhai and dare to provoke the Great Emperor Zhenhai. Who gives him the confidence!

With an imperial weapon in his hands, Qin Yi may be invincible.

But, for the gods, that can only be done!

"It's no help, this guy angered the Great Emperor Zhenhai. Not only did his cultivation base be abolished, but he probably had to suffer a torture!"

On the sky, many emperors sneered.

They didn't have a good impression of Qin Yi, and Qin Yi didn't put Zhenhai Great in his eyes, which also meant that Qin Yi had no respect for them.

Even the Great Emperor Huangu gave a cold snort and lowered his eyes.

"Brother Bai."

The ancient **** child opened his mouth and finally sighed.

"His Royal Highness!"

Fairy Mu Ling's face was pale, her teary eyes hazy.

"If you want people to perish, you must first let them go crazy. This is exactly what our Crown Prince is looking for.

Even if your Majesty knew it, he wouldn't blame you and me. "

Lu Qiu sneered.

How can the emperor tolerate others' humiliation, Qin Yi is over!

Sure enough, Emperor Zhenhai was furious.

"Little guy, hasn't your father ever told you what awe is?

In the face of the emperor, more or less the most basic humility must be maintained, otherwise it will be no fun to be photographed to death! "

Emperor Zhenhai raised his eyelids, his eyes seemed to be sulky.


Emperor Zhenhai's eyes were bright, and the mighty power swept the sky.

The endless aura ocean submerged thousands of miles of sky, the mighty power!

The silver light shook like waves, rolling up the sky and shaking the waves!

An immense silver ocean suddenly emerged from behind the Great Emperor Zhenhai, encompassing the entire sky.

This is the emperor Zhenhai's strength, the ocean of evolution!

This power poured down, and the entire Treading Emperor Realm would be submerged in an instant, and I don't know what it was broken into.

"This is the power of the emperor, which can crush the heavens and the realms."

Lu Qiu sighed with emotion and watched coldly.

"I really admire the prince, facing an angry emperor, can be so bold, so courageous"

Wang Zhantian seemed to admire, but actually mocked Qin Yi.

"Speaking wildly, catastrophe is coming!"

That is even more so for the respectful surname Zhundi.


The silver ocean rolled, and the endless breath burst out instantly.

Billions of silver light, exuding immortal brilliance, shattered thousands of miles of void.

If it weren't for the tacit understanding of many emperors to seal off the void around Chengdi Mountain, the damage would probably be more than that.

"Boy, hand over this imperial tool to the emperor."

The Great Emperor Zhenhai stood on the wave of the silver ocean, his eyes hung nine days like the sun and the moon, and he looked down at Qin Yi indifferently.

"Of course, if you can hand it over obediently, then kneel on the ground and knock on the emperor three times, the emperor will not abolish your cultivation."

"This is the only opportunity this emperor gives you. You have to consider it carefully."

Compared with Qin Yi, Eternal Immortal Furnace was more valued by Emperor Zhenhai.

If Qin Yi surrendered it obediently, he might not be able to let Qin Yi go, let Qin Yi knock on him three times, and just burn his heart demon.

This is already His extra-law grace!

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