Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2100: Luo Hou Ji Du

"Chen, follow the order!"

As soon as the three words came out, the whole room was silent.

Everyone stared at the respectful Luo Hou Jidu in a daze, and they couldn't believe it.

Is an emperor so respectful to Qin Yi?

For everyone, this is simply unimaginable.

How high the emperor is!

Even if it is just the supremacy of a new emperor, his status is extremely respected, and even the same emperor cannot easily be offended.

Regarding status, everyone is the supreme emperor, and there is no superiority.

Even if your strength can overwhelm me, I don't need to be too respectful.

And now.

Luo Houji's attitude towards Qin Yi, don't be too respectful, it's entirely a posture of honoring Qin Yi as the master.

"By the way, the former emperor called the Prince of the Beginning the Master!"

At this time, everyone thought of Luo Houji's words when he appeared on the stage.

"How can this be?"

A group of powerful men stared at them with big eyes and a huge wave in their hearts.

The emperor is the Zhun emperor?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they would not have believed that such a strange thing would happen.

"We know that there is still something like a system in the world."

Qin Yi whispered, taking the shock of everyone into his eyes.

After winning the Great Secret of Chengdi, he also completed the system task and obtained the system summoning opportunity.

This emperor named Luohou Jidu is a new servant he has summoned with the opportunity of systematic summoning.

That is to obey, I must respect my order!

"Character: Luohou Jidu;

Identity: Conferred gods mythical world, disciple of Jiejiao, the lord of Tianting Luohouxing and Jiduxing;

Realm: the peak of Jinxian's initial stage (three realms of the emperor);

Weapons: Luo throat arrow, Jidu bow;

Martial arts: fix the sky with one arrow, Luohou Jidu arrow method, star battle method, etc.;

Talent: S. "

This Luo Hou Ji is not the demon ancestor Luo Hu who can compete with Dao Ancestor.

It was a disciple of the Master Tongtian, a disciple of the Jiao, and a disciple of the soul ascended to the list of gods after the battle.

Later he became the lord of stars who ruled Luohouxing and Jiduxing.

The strength of his body is inherited from ancient times, and supported by the power of stars, his cultivation is even stronger than Lu Dongbin.

One-handed archery is even more superb.

It is known that all the gods and buddhas died!

"Your Excellency, you!"

The Great Emperor Zhenhai was also fluctuating in his chest, showing the horror in his heart.

Luo Hou Jidu's behavior also surprised him.

A dignified emperor, who is so respectful to a quasi emperor who is like an ant, is he regarded as his master?

This is simply detrimental to the majesty of the emperor!


Luo Houji didn't care about Emperor Zhenhai, but took a step forward.

A resolute face, full of solemnity, wisps of evil spirits linger around him, making people tremble!

With a deep gaze, looking at Emperor Zhenhai on the sky, he couldn't help revealing a touch of murderous intent.

He was originally the lord of the stars who ruled the killing, and his fierceness can be juxtaposed with the lord of the stars such as Sirius, and he is also in the forefront of the stars!

In a battle, I don't know how many creatures have been killed. The evil spirit has long been turned into substance, and the ghosts and gods are crying!

And your Majesty has ordered that he should shoot this dog!

My hands are already stained with blood, and I will act humblely for the emperor!

I am a monarch and I shall kill the heavens for the emperor, and the enemy of the emperor is my enemy!


Luo Houji held a bow in his left hand and took out an iron arrow from his back with his right hand.

Luo throat arrow.

Jidu bow!

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