Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2126: Leave the rest to me


Luo Houji growled unwillingly.

He was defeated.

It was a complete defeat!

Even the Arrow of Killing God hadn't been cast, but it was interrupted, and the secret method was backlashed, which made him suffer even more from his already wounded body.

Even standing here is relying on a breath of strong support.

I am not willing!

Live a lifetime in this life, fight for the emperor, but in the end it ends up like this, even the emperor can't protect it?

How can he be willing?

It is a pity that He has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and he is unable to make any more moves.

I could only watch, that magnificent palm pressed across the sky, like a **** king falling from above the nine heavens.

The mighty Qi machine crushes everything and seals the void!

"Your Majesty, the Weichen disappointed the emperor!"

Luo Houji smiled miserably, his expression extremely lonely.

In the previous life, he was defeated by the gods, and the souls went to heaven, unwilling to do so.

In this life, the heavens served as ministers, and the first battle was so ugly to lose, and it was a clone of the emperor that was involved and fell together.

Even more, unwilling!

"No, Luo Hou Jidu, you have done very well.

Leave the rest to me! "

At this moment, a figure stood in front of Luo Hou Jidu.

With fierce clothes and silver hair dancing wildly, Qin Yi stood under the sky, exuding majesty that people couldn't look at directly.

In the words, there is a strong confidence that people can't help but be convinced.

Luo Hou Jidu's mind was relieved for no reason, and there was a sense of peace in his heart, as if the emperor could calmly face everything that follows.

"Yes, the emperor."

Luo Houji showed a slight smile and responded respectfully.

"Hahaha, where did the trivial Emperor Zhun come from such a big tone, and leave it to you next?

I don't know the heights of the reptiles, no matter what, I will slap you to death first, and then suppress this emperor! "

Mysterious Supreme sneered, the offensive in his hand remained unchanged, and he pressed a palm towards Qin Yi.

This palm is not like hiding the murderous intent before, but with fierce murderous intent, vowing to obliterate Qin Yi directly!

In the eyes of this mysterious supreme, Qin Yi is worthless without arrogance.

Slap to death, that's it!

A mere emperor is not a quasi-emperor, and in his hands, he is not even qualified to survive him!

The crowd onlookers in the distance shook their heads.


When the mysterious supreme slapped Qin Yi with a palm, Qin Yi just raised his head slightly, looking directly at the mysterious supreme with indifferent eyes.

"A trivial old monster who did not know when to hide in the emperor world, who was still dying, also wanted to kill me? I also wanted to suppress my courtiers?"

Qin Yi's eyes were as deep as ice, and his voice became cold, freezing into his bone marrow.

Kill me with a palm?

A palm to suppress my courtier?

You lingering old monster, you are not worthy!

"The ants wailing, sad and ridiculous!"

The mysterious supreme was indifferent like a god, and didn't care about Qin Yi's words.

Just like the nine-day god, how could he care about the screams of the ants at his feet before he died, and he didn't even hear them.

"The humble reptile, go to death with your hands, let this seat take you to Huangquan Road."

Mysterious Supreme said lightly.

"Then it depends on you, whether you have this ability!"

Qin Yi's eyes were cold, and under the lock of the invisible Qi machine, he suddenly took a step forward.


Step on it.


There seemed to be a great ding sound, which exploded in the emperor stepping world.

Everyone trembled suddenly, as if there was an indescribable aura, coming from the underworld, pressing on the emperor realm!

The great sound of the tripod slammed, even more so as if it evoked the laws of the entire Emperor Stepping Realm, and countless laws roared!

Dingming heavens, ten thousand ways are united!

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